A sense of entitlement

Why do so many people have a sense of entitlement?

I was discussing this with a friend at the weekend and we couldn't really get to the bottom of it, other than perhaps it's just been a slow erosion of society and work ethic.

They don't work, but are entitled to (net) taxpayers money, so they can have things that taxpayers can't afford, to live in areas that those taxpayers can't afford, to have holidays, to not work a job they don't want to, to be entitled to an easy and well paid job. That they have "rights" that must be treated as gospel, but not any responsibilities that are tied to those rights. That rules are just for "someone else", a whole attitude that everyone else owes them a living etc. 

What is the flawed mental process where people decide that they are entitled to things just because they want them? How can anyone even attempt to justify that "want" means "entitled"?

  • You'll be pleased to hear that I'm going to leave these forums.  I shouldn't have got involved with this thread as this is stuff that really gets me going, and brings out my demons.  I make no apologies for being outspoken, though I'm sorry for the language used and for getting too personal.  I don't find these forums as helpful as I'd thought I would and I don't want to upset others any more.  I need to find some peace after some recent problems so it's probably best if I stay offline. I've been drinking heavily for a few months and stuff like this makes it get more out of hand.

  • Sorry to hear that, when I have only just joined. Two gone now. I was the one who originally confronted the OP, but I could not leave those remarks unchallenged. I had not really wanted him to leave either, but I do believe that attitude, stoked by Cameron, creates so much suffering.

    1. I have never been formally diagnosed as an adult but I have been delighted to share ideas and experiences with intelligent adults around  my age who have dealt with sitar challenges and anyway when it comes to discussing films etc, it's a question of never mind the autism anyway. I just like finding people on a similar wavelength.
  • Yes, it has created a lot of suffering.  I have to deal with the results of some of that suffering as part of voluntary work I do, at a food bank.  I also advocate for sick people who are being penalised by the welfare system, and forced back to work when they are too ill for it.  But some people only want to see things one way, fed by lies and propaganda in the tabloids. There's not much that can be done about that, I suppose, and insults don't help.  Yes, people exploit the system.  But what about those who exploit it at the other end - like May's husband, whose investment firm hasn't paid any corporation tax for a decade.  That's alright though, I suppose, because they're creating wealth!  Yes...for themselves, primarily.  I'm just better off staying away from such arguments.

  • It is slow and laggy but I have come back and seen and made an edit

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