A sense of entitlement

Why do so many people have a sense of entitlement?

I was discussing this with a friend at the weekend and we couldn't really get to the bottom of it, other than perhaps it's just been a slow erosion of society and work ethic.

They don't work, but are entitled to (net) taxpayers money, so they can have things that taxpayers can't afford, to live in areas that those taxpayers can't afford, to have holidays, to not work a job they don't want to, to be entitled to an easy and well paid job. That they have "rights" that must be treated as gospel, but not any responsibilities that are tied to those rights. That rules are just for "someone else", a whole attitude that everyone else owes them a living etc. 

What is the flawed mental process where people decide that they are entitled to things just because they want them? How can anyone even attempt to justify that "want" means "entitled"?

  • Have you heard about the Universal Basic Income?

  • Yes I know of the concept. I think it's an awful idea socially as well as the obvious flaw that it's not viable in an economic sense.

  • I think Universal Basic Income would be a very good idea.

    Not sure what is the point for people to be forced to do things they are extremely unhappy to do.

    The health goes down and suffers.

    And, of course, people do only the minimum in jobs if they hate them.

    In the end, people end up in the NHS, start drinking, smoking, eating too much.

    And, with your attitude, do not expect that I will ever help you for free if you will ask me for any help.

    Before any help can be given, we need to agree how much the time and the efforts will cost.

    Then everyone will only start to do things if someone pays for them. Literally, everything. Nothing can be done for someone for free. Nothing.

  • I am a supporter of a UBI.

    MattBucks previously mentioned that he was a capitalist but I think that he is actually a Calvinist. There are plenty of capitalists who support the UBI. One economist I was talking to stated that he believed in a free market economy with a UBI.

  • I think there are too many interests who are quite happy to see most of us scrabbling frantically to sing for our supper. 

    Not sure why Basic Income is being considered again now, unless it is the fear robots will allow us all to lead a life of keisure. That idea was kicking around in the early 80's until Lord Young started worrying about the threat from the Far East and introduced the Restart program.ne. 

  • Completely agree with you, nexus9!

    I would be much happier and would do something I really love if I could keep the budget in balance. Not to be in place I hate and only do the minimum, stay in the background and keep low profile.

    Also, the author should address first the issue - why some people have rich parents and some poor parents? Why some of them do not need to do things they would hate others do not have the choice but do them to survive? Is that fair? I do not think so. Then everyone should start with the same capital. Preferably, zero. And, actually, parents should give absolutely nothing to the children at all They must earn every penny.

  • Great minds think alike California!

    I think a basic income would remove the stigma of unemployment at a stroke. Interestingly enough where there are pilot schemes, it has been discovered that most people work and study more, not less. There is no longer the fear of losing everything in quite the same way.

  • Great minds think alike California!

    I think a basic income would remove the stigma of unemployment at a stroke. Interestingly enough where there are pilot schemes, it has been discovered that most people work and study more, not less. There is no longer the fear of losing everything in quite the same way.

  • I think there are too many interests who are quite happy to see most of us scrabbling frantically to sing for our supper. 

    Not sure why Basic Income is being considered again now, unless it is the fear robots will allow us all to lead a life of keisure. That idea was kicking around in the early 80's until Lord Young started worrying about the threat from the Far East and introduced the Restart program.ne. 

  • Completely agree with you, nexus9!

    I would be much happier and would do something I really love if I could keep the budget in balance. Not to be in place I hate and only do the minimum, stay in the background and keep low profile.

    Also, the author should address first the issue - why some people have rich parents and some poor parents? Why some of them do not need to do things they would hate others do not have the choice but do them to survive? Is that fair? I do not think so. Then everyone should start with the same capital. Preferably, zero. And, actually, parents should give absolutely nothing to the children at all They must earn every penny.