Spring or not ?

Can't find the old post about Christmas trees.  So starting a new one.

My Christmas tree is still up. 

And outside it's white with deep snow after more than 18 hours of continuous snow, the daffodils are no longer visible, being covered under the snow.  Certainly feels like Christmas.

Only the date 18 March suggests it's spring.

  • Minus 2 and snow here. 2013 was worse though,the whole of March was consistently cold. I had someone fly to me here and there were delays because of the snow: we travelled up to Krakow on a bus, going though the mountains of Slovakia. A little scary, but it was certainly resplendent with Christmas card scenes. But it was actually Easter.

    Hoping spring will come soon really.

  • Minus 2 and snow here. 2013 was worse though,the whole of March was consistently cold. I had someone fly to me here and there were delays because of the snow: we travelled up to Krakow on a bus, going though the mountains of Slovakia. A little scary, but it was certainly resplendent with Christmas card scenes. But it was actually Easter.

    Hoping spring will come soon really.

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