
This sums up my kind of love Former Member 

My love is not kind and gentle like your love. It’s not fair and gives nothing, other than itself. It fierce and unrelenting and it leads me, I don’t lead it. 

I don’t know about transcendent love, other than what I learned from you today, but this sums up my love.

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  • Greetings to Miss BlueRay. I Posted all of that because I had to do so before it might disappear, as a technical problem with this Forum. Here is the reason for it, as I suggested upon the "Snow has gone" Thread.

    Straight to the point: You often mention "unconditional love", or that "love" is just how you are and do not understand it for yourself...? Apart from this curiousity, I am not interested (sorry!)... yet, you seem to also express that you can *adapt yourself to fit the point-of-view of others*...?

    ...If this is all true, then, from what you post, I myself might identify with this certain quality, which is a very difficult, uncommon, and careful matter. An "Animal Psychic" ("Pet Psychic"). This is *very* different from an "Animal Behavioural Specialist", who simply observes what they know an animal/pet to behave, yet does not actually "communicate" with that Animal...

    Bottom line is... An "Animal Psychic" is able to shut off everything else and feel "unconditional love" in order to "hear/feel/see" an animal in order to "communicate" correctly with them!
    The reason I suggest this at yourself is that you seem to have that ability, yet have not had this "disallowed" aspect suggested at yourself yet...?