Changing clothes- can anyone identify with this ?

Can anyone identify with this? Clothes: I change my socks and underpants every day and my t shirt and trousers every 3 days. Today I noticed my trousers were marked after 2 days so put them in the washing bin. My t shirt wasn't messy but because I didn't want to get out of sync with changing my tshirt and trousers I put that in the washing bin as well. The idea of getting out of sync with my clothes makes me feel uncomfortable.

  • I do wash my clothes regularly, but don't like getting new ones. I keep them clean, but use the same few items until they wear out.

    My son would happily keep the same clothes on day and night for ages if I didn't remind him to change.

  • I can understand that, I don't like getting new clothes. It's odd because I might see items I really like but then I start doubting they'll be comfortable or worry about things like the patterns on the buttons annoying me after I buy them and the whole thing just ends up more stressful than it needs to be. Not helped by the fact that I absolutely cannot bear clothes shops and the process of shopping! I've never understood why the whole world seems to believe women love shopping.  

  • Some of us get this (thrill or high) from putting on new clothes for the first time.

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