I accept that this may be a "Bad" Topic, yet it needs to be highlighted, surely where "NAS" can *not* avoid seeing it, surely...

Current Problems with this Forum:
- Posts Disappear and Reappear at Random.
- Notifications are not always received (apparently).
- Editing Posts - *after* they have been replied to.
- Things such as "Groups" or "BlogPosts" or "Questions"... seem to have no meaning, and so they cannot be applied...?
(Anyone reading, you may currently check your own "Profile" to confirm this. Click upon your own "Achievements", and then upon "List of Possible Achievements".)
- ... There is a great list of "Achievements". Again, many of these have no defined meaning and so are un-achievable. (Linked to "Questions", "BlogPosts", "Ideas", "Status"...?)
- Assigning "Tags" to a New Thread seems to change constantly, and has neither Logical Order nor Meaning.

Here is the "Main" Thread, at which Comments directly to NAS are supposed to be Posted... yet much of it is completely ignored by NAS; It is only responded to by "WebPM", but for whom NAS would not have this "Forum" in the first place, I would wager...

  • Therefore I remain unsure at present whether there actually are missing posts, or whether the hiding of posts behind Load Next and Load Previous has caused some confusion?

    For what it is worth, I Thank You very much, for sticking with this Thread, WebPM...

    What I quote there, is a bit of a shame (shame as in disappointment, I mean). I would like to help you more with this yet I cannot. New Threads are begun fast and everyday (mostly the "I have a Child Threads" as I call them -sorry!). Yet ALL of this *is* good... yet not helpful or long enough to the Long-Term Users of a Long-Thread... such as I especially witnessed during XMAS...

    I cannot help more, as I keep saying, because I can neither PM nor EMail.

    I suggested before that if you Log On not as yourself then that may help... yet I also understand how this might not help either... YOU are Logging On with a "full set of tools", so-to-speak. You are a "Debugger". Yet some of us who witness "Disappearing Replies" are not that. You might also want to try asking some other User for thier complete cooperation with this problem. Alas, not myself, due to stated limitations (and Old Devices). 

    I dare not name names for security reasons, of course. I am very sorry that I cannot help you with this anymore than I have so far. (At least I did the "Pictures" thing, maybe...?!) 

    Thank You Again, WebPM.      :-)

  • I posted earlier in this thread about missing posts. I have worked through the examples provided and I was able to locate the posts that were mentioned.

    Therefore I remain unsure at present whether there actually are missing posts, or whether the hiding of posts behind Load Next and Load Previous has caused some confusion? I have posted updates on the missing pictures issue in this thread and also in DC's new one.


  • WebPM suggested the starting of New Threads in order to address certain problems, thus I (try to) begin a Photography Thread, with technical subtexts:

    ..."Amateurs" - like myself - are invited, of course. Also please post links, technicallities and "niggles" as well. Thank You Kindly.

    ...I might also like to start a separate EMail/PM/Notification Thread... yet I have said over and over that I cannot know about this sort of thing...!

  • Disappearing posts and disappearing pictures.

  • ...Just a Post to bring this Thread forward a bit, and to say that I have not forgotten it. Yet it has raised so many "issues" that I *do* forget some of them (because I cannot EMail or PM).

    Another Thank You for WebPM from myself... and I am Posting these two addresses again:

    And... This Thread is getting long. But that highlights certain problems also (disappearing Posts still, anyone?)...

  • I don't think the notification problem is the same. The previous issue affected everyone, because the service that sends out emails failed. Others, me included, are still getting notifications, so that service is still running (also, we put an extra monitor on it). I would go back to checking your spam/junk folder.

    If you're not getting "live alert" notifications at the top of the page either, what settings do you have for thread-reply notifications? These can be turned off entirely (checkbox at left), or allowed only by email or only by live alert (checkboxes at right):

    I mentioned you in this message, so you should get an additional notification about that - depending, again, on your settings for mentions on the page above.

    I'm finding that pasting images into a message can take a little while - a few seconds, not longer. Sometimes I've thought that it hasn't worked, when actually I just needed to allow a little time.

    Does any of this help?

  • To offer the range of features that it does, this Telligent software maintains a connection between your browser and the server. That connection sometimes seems to drop temporarily. Usually you get an orange warning at the top of the screen when this happens. I think your issue may relate to a lost connection of this type.

  • I have spent some time working through that thread, trying to understand which messages had disappeared. There are a couple of general mentions of missing messages, but unfortunately those don't allow me to identify the messages involved. There are also some specific ones:

    • , in the message linked above, references this message which, as DC states, quotes a previous message (about a looong post), again from DC, that cannot now be found. I found that original post two messages higher in the thread than the one that quoted it.
    • Former Member posted about a previous message, reassuring  about an "argument", but not being able to find that message again. I found it two messages above Oktanol's second message. By chance these two sets of messages are clustered together:

    Could it be therefore that this is caused, not by actual disappearing messages, but by the problem that you have discussed in locating messages in threads? Alternatively, it's remotely possible that some word caused a message and its replies to go into moderation (so it was hidden for a day or two) - but that's very unlikely, because you're all recognised as established members, and the system uses this "reputation" to exempt you from most moderation.

    I'm afraid I haven't yet posted enough to see either this or the red dot with my own messages Relaxed

    May I make a couple of suggestions? First, I'd say that, with all forums, long threads get complex and hard to use. With "linear" forums, people tend to quote each other heavily, just to show to which messages they are replying. That's less an issue here because of the way that messages are indented to show replies, so threads are shorter without all the quotes. Nonetheless, this method has its problems too, as we're seeing. On both forum types, I'd consider starting a new thread if part of a discussion wanders onto a new topic - as I have alluded to for new forum issues.

    Secondly, as you may know, you can search within a thread to locate a known message. So, to find the references above to "looong messages", I expanded all the Load Nexts and then used Control-F (on a desktop) to search for "looong". You can see in the screenshot that I did the same for "argu" (i.e. argue, argument). On an Android device, Find in Page is on the browser's ellipsis/overflow menu (the three dots at top right).

    Sorry for another looong message.

  • I've not been on the site for a couple of weeks and having come back I'm finding the site hanging when trying to post, once I hit reply/post it sits there and doesn't do anything, I have to copy the post, refresh the page, paste it in and hit post again and it will then publish. It seem to hang if I've been on a specific page for more than a minute or so, not sure if that's related to the sign-in system?


    ...Reposting that and then quoting is *not* at all easy to do...

    I did the quote first in this message. Then I moved my cursor to the start of the message (i.e. the start of the quote), added a carriage return, and pasted in the link above the quote.

    I would always get the quote first (by highlighting it in the other contributor's message and using the Quote option that appears), then build my message around it.

    Does that help at all? If not, could you describe more what you're trying to do?

  • I agree that it could be improved. The sign-in is an overall NAS service, rather than part of this Community, because of the single sign-on. I'm looking into whether the time-out could be extended. There are also longer-term plans that may help but, until they are confirmed, I don't want to promise anything we can't deliver.

  • having to keep signing in, don't know if its intended but its annoying for me personally because its the setting i have for all other forums, even if i ticked remember me box or sign in automatically

  • Did no-one heed the Link which I Posted before?

    ...Reposting that and then quoting is *not* at all easy to do...

  • To the very gracious WebPM... You interact with us differently from NAS, is what I always say....

    - Disappearing Posts. This is a direct link to an instance of "disappearing Posts", which I myself stated at the time. The link is to my own Post. (...FYI: - I never edit my own Posts after they have been answered to.):

    - "The red dot" - If a User has begun a lot of Threads, or has subscibed to them, then the "Red Dot" will never disappear! Did no-one heed the Link which I Posted before? 

    - So many things to address, so few places to address them in... I may, here, have unintentionally begun another "NAS Improvements, comments", etc. Thread, and I did not entirely mean to do so...! NAS should have done that, not myself. And WEBPM has replied here, and not NAS (!)... WebPM, by now, you have contributed so much that you might even actually be able to see *your own* comments disappearing at times, which indicates just how much more helpful you are...! 

    (Yes, I keep flattering you. No, I still cannot EMail or PM.)

  • Yeah, same. I know it's completely irrational of me to be irritated by it but I can't seem to ignore it either - I've even called it names in my head then thought "What am I doing?", then realised I'm not only talking to myself but also answering myself! Then I remember this is a sign of true madness, so I laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Then I wonder if I really AM going mad!!!

    Then I remember that overthinking things is a very Aspie thing to do so I relax and remember to breathe   :)   

  • Hello ,

    I am sorry to read that you are still struggling with the e-mail notifications.

    I could upload pictures in PM area as well yesterday.

  • I am receiving no email notifications or notifications of threads I am watching in the selection at the top of screen. 

    The so called fix obviously hasn’t worked, it lasted about a few hours, filled up my email inbox a little but nothing since.none since the 28:02:2018.

    so to find the latest reply here inbedded or at the end takes a lot of scrolling and loading of each compressed set of replies, quite often to find maybe a two word response. 

    Ipad tablet used. Still no pictures aloud when in PM area. 

    Still pot luck if pictures upload here also, same picture sometimes will load and other times not? No changevtonpicture what so ever.

  • I’m the same with the red dot Endymion, I’m just learning to live with it but I’d like it better if it would go away because I can’t seem to stop trying to get rid of it, with the same results! Insanity! Lol! And it never seems to cease being irritating! Lol! I think I just laugh at myself now when I feel irritated. I see the funny side of being so p****d off with a little red dot! Lol! 

  • No Thank You. I'll just leave it as it is. Irritating as the red dot is, it's not preventing me from using the site so I guess I can learn to live with it. 

  • I restarted Firefox and now I can see replies. They still take a while to load, though, and it is still annoying composing a reply because of the delay having the typed characters appear on the screen. I'm using a Windows laptop.