February 2018 - A Thread With No Topic...

Greetings to all who read. I state first a thing that all should know: This NAS Forum is currently experiencing Errors which cause entire Posts to disappear and appear at random... once a Thread passes a certain length.

(...And if NAS happens to be reading... please start a new "Feedback" Thread, okay? I am asking you politely, here where you cannot miss it.)

...Apart from that, this is (an attempt at) a new Miscellaneous Topic Thread. Thank You Kindly.

  • Given that this Internet business sort of allows conversation with strangers... there are some weird questions I have often thought of asking. Brace yourselves, this really is weird...

    Which way does the Toilet face in your house? And which way does the Entrance face?

    Mine (Family house) faces sort of East-South-East. And the main enterance is North. I suppose this is a sort of "Feng Shui" question, and it is to do with "fortune" and some Races & Persons will only live in a home which meets certain criteria, and some countries they will only build houses in a certain way...

  • Again, Thanks to all answers given thus far. Where I live (South London), there is a major Hospital, through which I often shortcut. The Public Toilets face East-South-East, and when I was an in-patient once, the Private lavatories faced the same way... I have no friends (!), yet in my youth, all of the houses and schools I attended, the lavatories all faced East-South-East...

    ...This is why I was wondering if it was the same for everyone...! Thanks for stating otherwise. With regards to Entrances, I can see those only in my own area. I may Post again, when I think of another "crazy" Topic... (apart from asking if your walls are made of Calcium or Magnesium, for instance...)

  • Again, Thanks to all answers given thus far. Where I live (South London), there is a major Hospital, through which I often shortcut. The Public Toilets face East-South-East, and when I was an in-patient once, the Private lavatories faced the same way... I have no friends (!), yet in my youth, all of the houses and schools I attended, the lavatories all faced East-South-East...

    ...This is why I was wondering if it was the same for everyone...! Thanks for stating otherwise. With regards to Entrances, I can see those only in my own area. I may Post again, when I think of another "crazy" Topic... (apart from asking if your walls are made of Calcium or Magnesium, for instance...)

  • A tiny bit of one of my walls was made of toothpaste (Colgate) because I was redecorating and ran out of Polyfilla for the final two or three small holes and just filled them with toothpaste. It dried fine and I just painted over it with the rest of the wall. No-one ever knew ... until now!