Daily experience of an autistic

My Universal Credit, work coach referred me  to learndirect for a week long customer care course.

Yesterday I had my interview.

A lot of form filling, name, address, phone no. Email, national insurance, next of kin phone, etc etc etc.

Q...  What is my ideal job?

What job I would refuse to do?

Any disabilities ???????

Around 10 Q about my style of learning. Multiple choice with 3 choices.

Formal face to face interview.

A Maths test. 

Place four numbers in order from lowest to highest?  

Someone spends £10 a week on travel.  How much will he spend on travel in four weeks?  Show all workings.


An English test.

Circle wrongly spelt words.

Add Capitals and full stops to a sentence.

Identify a verb in a sentence.  They even explained that a verb is an action or doing word.   

Week long course starts on Monday 29th Jan.

  • Greetings, and perhaps starting a new sub-Thread yet it is on topic with the Main Topic... and only one day to go...?

    Concerning all that was listed in the introduction (maths, grammar, etc.), was this graded in some manner and did you "Ace" it, I should suspect? When given tests like this I simply get a sort of grumble or suspicious look, as if they are startled that I still know how to write correct English (at my age)...

  • I got no feedback about the tests.

    Today's session was cancelled because staff were unavailable.

    So it's tomorrow and next Tuesday.

    The final assessment is going to be a group exercise where we are going to be spilt into small groups, given a scenario and we are then observed how we go about solving it.

    A common test is a sinking ship, with maybe 12 people and a lifeboat that can only hold 6 people.  They give full details of the 12, their ages,  skills, etc.  Decide as a group which 6 to save.

  • I got no feedback about the tests.

    Today's session was cancelled because staff were unavailable.

    So it's tomorrow and next Tuesday.

    The final assessment is going to be a group exercise where we are going to be spilt into small groups, given a scenario and we are then observed how we go about solving it.

    A common test is a sinking ship, with maybe 12 people and a lifeboat that can only hold 6 people.  They give full details of the 12, their ages,  skills, etc.  Decide as a group which 6 to save.

  • What??? Why do they do something like this and what can they (and you) learn from it about people and how they would behave in more realistic scenarios? I mean, given all the H&S regulations in UK this should not be possible to happen. Think I would leave if given such a task, I wouldn't even want to hear other people's opinions because it would scare me.