Community-Forums-Miscellaneous and Chat... General Chat/Random Topics. (Est. January 11th, 2018)

All Random persons are invited. This is a Thread for Random Topics or for Random Chat. Concerning Random Topics discussed at Random, in a Random Randomness.

Please note: Random Chat is optional, and is Randomly Random. However I am not NAS, and so cannot be held responsible for any excessive Randomness discussed at Random by Random Persons. And so Please try to remain politely Random, here, for Random Ladies may be present also.

You have been warned...!

  • This is pretty random. I forgot to say that on New Year’s Eve, I wore my dark sunglasses the whole night. It felt so liberating. I felt less bothered by lighting etc or by other people. It’s almost as if they made an invisible shield between me and them and enabled me to be more comfortable being myself. I must have looked quite the sight in my wellies and sunglasses on a night out in a posh restaurant :)

  • Definitely Misfit. I had never fully realised until this year how much Christmas takes it out of me. And I wouldn’t mind but people don’t seem to celebrate it in the spirit in which it is intended which makes it not only exhausting but pretty much a waste of time. 

  • Yeah, that’s what I was thinking Lonewarrior. Now I know my diagnosis, I’m no longer trying to get that connection with others and I thought a little doggie will help with that. It will help me in so many ways, not to mention having a little friend I can pour my love into. And she’ll be small enough that she will be able to come with me wherever I go. 

  • That’s how I felt about the collies we had too. They just seemed to know and gave companionship and comfort. One day I will have a dog again too. I think we must all have used up lots of energy to get through the Christmas month and now we need January to regain our strength. 

  • Ah ! What a cute doggie,he will become your soulmate and able to sense your every emotion and give you support,he will also sense anyone that you don’t like, ours do and will growl if they think we are apprehensive.dogs really do see us.just so long as there happy they don’t really need much,just food water and a nice warm body to cuddle up to.take care.


  • Here's my puppy Billy, I haven't even got her yet but this is what she'll look like, maybe! Lol! 

  • Loving the doggy pictures. I just can't wait to get mine. So excited. Thanks for the hugs, Ellie kindly left some. If I could whiz a comfy bed and a secret special room over to you Ellie, I would, so you could go in it at any time and rest until your hearts content. It would be a fabulously comfortable and totally private room. When you go in it, it's like you disappear. Nobody knows you're in there but nobody knows you've disappeared either. It's like a cloned version of you carries on with daily dutys, as per usual, and you're inside the special room having a whale of a time, sleeping Slight smile 

  • May I take a couple then... very tried and worn out.... :( 

  • Thank you Ellie,yes they are very tuned into my emotions,they keep away i am frustrated or angry and seem to sense when I am feeling very sad, hence the nudging and laying on my bed this morning,the actual picture is an older one,

    heres a few hugs for anyone out there that feels a bit lonely or  sad just now. ()()()()()()()()()()

  • They are both very lovely and soulful fellows! 

  • A random couple of pictures(hopefully) of our two dogs,very old now,sisters,Labrador collie cross breed, and maybe others Lol.

    Always happy to see me,always friendly,they accept me for who I am, no judgement, always available for a cuddle when I feel down,they seem to sense our emotions and respond by nudging me and wanting to connect.the reason I woke early was one wanted to go out and then laid on my bed waiting for me,I needed. Cuddle and she knew, the black one is called dusty and the tan and white is socks.

    random,,,,,,  r=5.



  • Hi just a random chance to say thank you to DC for starting this new random post, somewhere for us all to be random and freedom to be express, 

    Hello to all my friends ,hope you all have a good day today.

    Feeling very tired and been resting from posting on here, I read the latest replies and new threads, often want to respond but my energy levels and dealing with day to day life tires me out.

    so just a random thought,


  • Oh, I’ve got a long way to go Misfit, but you know what, it doesn’t matter. For the first time in my life I’m honouring me. I’m learning about me and what I need and want. I’m getting excited about the puppy but I am in no position to get one yet, financially, mentally, physically, in all ways, and I don’t mind one bit. They say it’s not the destination that counts, it’s the journey. And right now, I’m learning to eat again, to move my body, to get some fresh air. It’s a slow process ~ or is it? To me, it isn’t. To me, I’m giving my body what it needs. A damn good rest and I’m slowly allowing myself to come to terms with and process, the last 50 years of my life, to learn about me and my autism. And the rest will simply follow, at the right time and in the right way. My moods have stabilised now we’re through the Christmas period, but I’m still processing that, so I’m still needing lots of rest and little much of anything else. My eating is getting better. Even if I miss days, it’s still getting better. 

    If you want a camper van you can have one. You can join me, we’ll make a convoy :-)

    1. This is great DC. I’m definitely random! I would be excited about getting a puppy too. I’d love to have a dog too. I also really would love to have a camper van to have my own accommodation to tootle about. But as ever money and health are prohibiting me. It sounds as though your plans are on the way
  • I think I’m pretty random so I should be ok here. I’m getting excited about getting me a little puppy. I’d love a kitten as well but if I’m going to be living in a van, I’m not sure about getting a kitten, although me and my little granddaughter are working on her Mum to let her look after it when I’m not around. I’m not thinking of getting the puppy yet. It’l be a good few months yet with lots of preparation but there’s no rush. I’m enjoying watching dog training videos and I’ve already got a name for her. She’s gonna be called Billy and she’ll be a beautiful brown minature poodle, clipped to look like a normal dog not a show dog, although she’ll do tricks so she will be quite showy! ;)