What does your avatar mean?

Mine is Beaker from the Muppets. I can identify with Beaker, a somewhat gullible test subject and long suffering assistant of Dr Bunsen Honeydew. Somebody that things always happen to, often out of his control.

Beaker is my spirit animal.

  • I'm a ghost of my former self

  • How much of a ghost? 

  • 100% #ffffff inside, 100% #d3d3d3 on the outside


  • :-) No problem. I probably don't use enough emoticons, to indicate that I'm not so serious. The content of this site can be a bit daunting sometimes, so it's good to have more light-hearted content as well

  • No...don’t end...it’s always good to hear from you whatever colour you are x

    i am Jade green at present 

  • Greetings again... I offer apologies if needed, for I saw all of this and I perhaps went a trifle mad... My use of certain language at the end was perhaps inappropriate and there are indeed Ladies Present (!)... BUT! - only a day afterwards do I notice certain typing errors I had made, and so I have now (hopefully) corrected them (This E-Reader is quite small, you see)...

    I shall use plain English for this Post. I meant to say that my own favourite colours are Violet and Blue, and that I detest Yellow... and I mentioned Red a lot since, upon sight of me, a lot of persons seem to develop a kind of "Red Mist" and then launch into very Colourful Language at me... this is simply upon sight of me, perfect strangers, I emphasize.
    I know of the terms "to turn the air blue/purple", "purple-faced with rage" and such like, yet did not mention Purple because it is too often confused with Violet and Mauve...
    ...That "Reply" button, is a good example. It is either Red, or Pink, or Purple, or Mauve, or even Vermillion... I might do well to end this Post now, perhaps...?

  • We may need to lighten up a bit here, to avoid any further hex things and #ff things. Perhaps I should just change my avatar to a mammoth or a white elephant, because I'm not exactly unobtrusive in a room either. And although it would match my login name on this site, I definitely want to avoid being a pink elephant. :-) Raspberries are OK though.

  • Good Evening. I wanted to interrupt both of you, to say some possibly #000000 things, maybe?

    Some people, like myself, would not understand what you are talking about, and may report it as #ff0000... but then after putting aside my mainly #000005 E-Reader, I have to power up my mostly #001f26 laptop using GIMP, in order to find out. And after doing that, you are ALL quite #a868f1 to me... although I also like #9e77ff as well. Those are my favourites, you see...

    My own least favourite is around #ffff00; and, being who I am, it is hard to do anything without having #ff0000 at me all of the time. I close this Post with apologies to anyone reading who is Autistic yet likes #ff0000 as well... but worry not, for that is just my own preference. Everyone here is different, and I understand that...

    (Note: #fff000 is completely not the same as #f%¡$=$&!#$ or especially f#&$-off, which I myself would *never ever* say.)
    ...Good Fortune to all who try to follow this sort of thing!

  • Poor you! Certainly not  #008000 with envy! And I though I had it bad as the Elephant in the Room!

Reply Children
  • :-) No problem. I probably don't use enough emoticons, to indicate that I'm not so serious. The content of this site can be a bit daunting sometimes, so it's good to have more light-hearted content as well

  • No...don’t end...it’s always good to hear from you whatever colour you are x

    i am Jade green at present 

  • Greetings again... I offer apologies if needed, for I saw all of this and I perhaps went a trifle mad... My use of certain language at the end was perhaps inappropriate and there are indeed Ladies Present (!)... BUT! - only a day afterwards do I notice certain typing errors I had made, and so I have now (hopefully) corrected them (This E-Reader is quite small, you see)...

    I shall use plain English for this Post. I meant to say that my own favourite colours are Violet and Blue, and that I detest Yellow... and I mentioned Red a lot since, upon sight of me, a lot of persons seem to develop a kind of "Red Mist" and then launch into very Colourful Language at me... this is simply upon sight of me, perfect strangers, I emphasize.
    I know of the terms "to turn the air blue/purple", "purple-faced with rage" and such like, yet did not mention Purple because it is too often confused with Violet and Mauve...
    ...That "Reply" button, is a good example. It is either Red, or Pink, or Purple, or Mauve, or even Vermillion... I might do well to end this Post now, perhaps...?

  • We may need to lighten up a bit here, to avoid any further hex things and #ff things. Perhaps I should just change my avatar to a mammoth or a white elephant, because I'm not exactly unobtrusive in a room either. And although it would match my login name on this site, I definitely want to avoid being a pink elephant. :-) Raspberries are OK though.

  • Good Evening. I wanted to interrupt both of you, to say some possibly #000000 things, maybe?

    Some people, like myself, would not understand what you are talking about, and may report it as #ff0000... but then after putting aside my mainly #000005 E-Reader, I have to power up my mostly #001f26 laptop using GIMP, in order to find out. And after doing that, you are ALL quite #a868f1 to me... although I also like #9e77ff as well. Those are my favourites, you see...

    My own least favourite is around #ffff00; and, being who I am, it is hard to do anything without having #ff0000 at me all of the time. I close this Post with apologies to anyone reading who is Autistic yet likes #ff0000 as well... but worry not, for that is just my own preference. Everyone here is different, and I understand that...

    (Note: #fff000 is completely not the same as #f%¡$=$&!#$ or especially f#&$-off, which I myself would *never ever* say.)
    ...Good Fortune to all who try to follow this sort of thing!