Some bits fit = often feel rejected,low self esteem, feeling left out,feel I'm not good enough,feel uncomfortable when praised,don't like taking risks, people pleaser,difficult starting things  when I might fail-avoidant re further education(fear of failure due to executive functioning  difficulties),

  • I feel this so strongly. Often feel rejected (although I definitely think a lot of that is real) and I feel it so strongly. I'm not good with criticism at all and have a massive fear of failure. Struggle to deal with making mistakes. I really beat myself up and it feels like the end of the world. Definitely think it's something that has got worse over the years. I genuinely think it's one of the aspects of being AuDHD that has some of the biggest impact on my life.

  • I feel this so strongly. Often feel rejected (although I definitely think a lot of that is real) and I feel it so strongly. I'm not good with criticism at all and have a massive fear of failure. Struggle to deal with making mistakes. I really beat myself up and it feels like the end of the world. Definitely think it's something that has got worse over the years. I genuinely think it's one of the aspects of being AuDHD that has some of the biggest impact on my life.

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