Hi, does anyone have any advice how to stop obsessing? My therapist gave me a “homework” to research about autism. I started extensive research and can’t stop. I feel like I nearly puke but still can’t stop. I don’t want anymore, I want this topic out of my head. But I can’t stop it. Many painful memories from the past, many doubts, I can’t stop thinking, analysing, reading, watching, although there is a really helpful channel that helps me understand a lot about differences between autistic and non autistic people, I have strong feeling that it describes my experience. But I would like to stop and have some peace. I’m going crazy, and now it’s the Christmas- new year week, so my doctor is not there and I can’t wait to see him. I would appreciate any advice. My family suffers because of me being more absent than ever. I was always kind of absent, struggling to connect even to my loved ones, in other world, but with my aliens it was much more pleasant, I had a lot of fantasies about UAPs, about the possible first contact, alien abduction stories etc. but now I want to stop but can’t stop and going crazy, I’m worried I will end up in psych hospital. I would have to find a new interest but the problem is that they come unexpectedly and I never know when and what will come next to replace the previous one. I feel like my mind got stuck, I move around, do tasks automatically, often pace my kitchen and I’m totally not present in the here and now. I’m sorry maybe it’s kind of stupid what I wrote I’m kind of desperate.