Fake mental health case


My family have given a fake report to mental health and possibly the police. I fear for my life. What should I do?

Parents Reply Children
  • I know this sounds hard. But others here will have a better idea of how to help with a list of things. When I was younger I'd have a difficult time explaining how disrespectful others were to me.

    But a Long List of "incidents" will become Very Important in order for you to have a Justified Defence against the people who are supposed to help and nurture you. You'll need a long list (can you name 10 maybe)  and even a professional therapist will understand these false accusations. 

    There is complete anonymity here, which is often helpful. 

    Keep in mind, we won't know all the details of what's happening. So, for instance, can you change your password to your phone or do they have an app on it which grants them full access? What happens in your home and in exchange with them that has lead up to this point where they feel justified in this behaviour against you? Autistics are daily misunderstood and misrepresented. Often minding our own business when often experiencing sudden interrogations from others.