Can't Function With Fatigue


How do you function with fatigue?

I've had fatigue before but recently my fatigue has become more severe and now I can't really function. If I do anything I need to rest in bed after and physically can't move much because I get dizzy and my body aches.

I went out in to town three days in a row and now this bad fatigue has hit me like a brick wall. I'm not sure what to do about it but all I can do is rest and that helps but if I do too much I need rest again.

Is this burnout? 

  • It could be burnout but I recommend you see your doctor and have some tests as it could be being caused by a number of other things like a vitamin deficiencies.

    I had a lot of tests when I was fatigued. It happened all the time even after a good night's sleep, I never felt fully refreshed and got dizzy and had a sore throat that never healed. I was eventually diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. It's manageable but is debilitating.

    I hope you get the answer soon and are feeling less fatigued.

  • I feel that it's the same; for me. Vitamin deficiencies. Plus missing other nutrients.

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