Let off steam in here thread.

Do you get  angry?  I get angry.  A "friend" of mine is making me angry today.  If you get angry then this is  the thread to let off steam.  All those irritating NT's winding you up.  You'd like to bury them in a shallow grave wouldn't you?  *Hold on there is someone at the door*

*Sound of man being dragged away by White Coated individuals*

  • The community gets heated from time to time.

    I generally break for short periods of time and then post again when things are calmer.

  • Me too, Diamond! So much toxicity.

    Says the person who's just downvoted two empathetic and supportive comments by two kinder hearted posters in the other thread, and a load of toxic drivel in response to my own efforts... 

    You would do well to look to yourself for the source of at least some of the toxiicity here, and stop playing the victim yourself.

  • Me too, Diamond! So much toxicity.

    I am practicing self care so much today. Pat on the back for me, and pat on the back for you. 

  • I've not posted here much lately. When I first joined there was a lot of casual fun chat but it's not like that anymore and a lot of the people I knew then aren't here anymore. It's lost that family feel that it had and my depression is getting worse.

    Maybe today is just a bad day. 

    Maybe things will look better tomorrow. 

  • I hope you're ok Malojian and doing better than when you created this thread.

    One day at a time. Things do get better, eventually.

  • I get angry because i dont get angry, and that really angers me !  Grrr.....

  • Frustrated because I told someone at work I have meltdowns if i come in to the office too much and they were like 'oh i have a meltdown about work every week!' like... NO. It's NOT the same meltdown. Don't trivialise my meltdowns and the exhaustion that comes from them.

  • My friend had a brain tumour when was younger and her memory is getting worse now.

    Thursday morning had a random WhatsApp message from my friend. Asked me how I do i feel leaving Next. Explained left in 2019. Message back saying do you feel much better after id left. I replied saying still feeling traumatized and now go to groups e.g. games group. 

    Thinking Maybe thought id left this week? Least she got support worker and OH. Plus family. Frustrated as ive got to repeat everything.

    I don't keep in touch often now.

  • I'm really sorry to hear that.

    I hope your friend recovers from this trauma.

    She has a good friend in you.

  • And to you I return said good-vibes, by telling you that I have received receipt of said good-vibes, and shall endeavour to pay them forward. Post haste!

    You take care also..:D

  • Sending positive vibes to all who need them today.

    Take care my friends.

  • I hope your friend feels better soon. Sad to think people like that guy are on this site. Luckily I think there's more good members than bad.


  • Feeling really upset for my friend.

    A friend of mine met a man online, on this forum and for a long time they were in email contact but things didn't go great and then he had "friends" who emailed my friend and was vile to her but he defended himself and then she tried going her own way but he found her on here so they emailed again for a bit but then he was horrible to her and she said she wouldn't be in touch and then he said he would be lonely and then she agreed to stay in touch and he said he had to ask his mum and it was his mum who told him to be horrible to her...

    So she's at last realised he's no good and isn't going to bother with horrible rubbish like that again.

    I don't know why people like him have to do stuff like that. My friend was already in a bad place because of losing her sister and now she's a total mess all because of him.

    So angry at him and so sorry for my friend.

  • I hope you will take this in the spirit that is intended. It's regarding your final paragraph. Even when we think or know that other people are making a mistake, no matter how much we may want to help them to avoid making that mistake, we need to take a step back and let them get on with it. Sometimes, people need to make mistakes in order to learn from them. There was a time in my life when I chose to be reckless and was not living within my means. Had anyone tried to stop me, I doubt I would have taken their well-meaning advice on board. The result was that I ended up in debt to the tune of about £2,000. An absolute whopper of a mistake, but it taught me a valuable lesson.

    With regard to the first part of what you wrote, unless you happen to be breaking the law, it really isn't anybody else's business how you choose to spend your time. The people asking you those questions are possibly curious, or trying to be friendly and it's their way of striking up a conversation. If their questions annoy you and make you feel uncomfortable, you could always try telling them that you're a secret agent. Wink

  • Letting off steam:

    This one really winds me up: This been going on since the big freeze in 2017 approximately.

    People ask me are you working?

    How do you support yourself?

    Do you want to work?

    Where you do yoga?

    Was I furloughed?

    Do you work at the library/charity shop? When I enter those buildings.

    Are you on your way to work? 

    Tried to explain million times and still don't get the message. Takes a while to answer. Tell them I belong to a group and show them a leaflet. Also sometimes I do yoga in the morning. Then the whole cycle restarts every few days or months.

    *Last resort is to tell my GP*

    Second rant is:

    I pay for the bread and rolls using cash only. The cheese shop still having problems with the card machine. Sometimes works. Other shops don't have the same problem. The cheese shop owners need to sort out this. 

    My former friend who opened a studio catalogue account and ended up with £1,000 pound of debt (was paying the minimum amount per month); this happened twice before. Ignored my advice. Then kept on spending money on things. Had another friend like this. I used to impulse buy and stopped. 
