Let off steam in here thread.

Do you get  angry?  I get angry.  A "friend" of mine is making me angry today.  If you get angry then this is  the thread to let off steam.  All those irritating NT's winding you up.  You'd like to bury them in a shallow grave wouldn't you?  *Hold on there is someone at the door*

*Sound of man being dragged away by White Coated individuals*

  • My favourite year was 1992. Unbelievable year, for music, after discovering the UK Top Forty.

  • Ditto me. But my brother channeled his rage, with his.

  • I do wonder why some people find it so hard.

  • It's awful when they can't do anything :( why can't people just be nice?

  • Getting angry isn't fun especially if it's a friend annoying you. 

    People don't usually make me angry (probably due to me not having many friends and having little to no social interactions each day). It may sound dumb but I avoid PvP video games since they make me extremely angry, I'm unsure why I have such a short fuse when it comes to playing them.

    I also tend to get angry if I'm irritated or annoyed even if it's something minor/irrelevant that's irritating or annoying me.

  • Thank you RockChick. I did speak to my manager last week, and she was sympathetic, though that was all.

  • I'm sorry you're dealing with this Pikl I've dealt with stuff like this in the past and it really really sucks. Do you have a supportive manager you can speak to of you feel confident enough to? You shouldn't have to put up with that... Nobody should :(

  • I've had enough of people, had enough of being the joke, of being looked at as people (Work colleagues) whisper to each other. I do not see the purpose of gossiping, what does it actually achieve. I'm not bothered at being left out, or even forgotten, that's a lot more welcome than being talked about. There are days when I'm invisible and days where I seem to be a source of amusement. I'm struggling in all areas of my life and no place is comfortable, for one reason or another. I've had enough of it all.

  • I hate my mum she is so manipulative. Nothing I ever do is good enough and she is constantly barging into my room and shouts at me for the smallest thing. 

  • Thanks Debbie. Since my mum split with dad I've done my best to be more grown up and look after her :0)

    Such a good idea to make a page on it. I just saw you made one

    Starting your relationship on 2007 is so special. Congrats so happy it worked for you

    and more congrats on getting diagnosed! I was diagnosed because of my teacher she saw it because her own daughter had autism. 

    My fave year was 2015 my mum and dad were still together I was still at primary school, and that year I went nature camping with my brother. It was so funny we set up this really rubbish tent and it fell down on top of us and we both just led there laughing

    My happiest memory that is and my fave year ever. 

    Yours all sound special espec of your husband and friends. I wish I had friends like you your so nice

  • Yes.  Caring for others from a young age does give you a sense of responsibility, and from what I've read, you are doing an excellent job of it.

    Also, you write very well.

    I can't answer you simply, because there are several really good years.

    One would be 1976, whilst still at school, meeting a (still) close friend.

    One would be around 1992, when I started to see a wonderful psycho/sexual psychologist.

    One would be 1992, meeting my other close friend.

    One would be 2007, starting a relationship with my now husband.

    One would be when I was able to give up work, a few years ago.

    One would be last year re my autism diagnosis (and joining this forum).

    This question would actually make an excellent thread.

    These are life milestones.  Different perhaps from the ones we are meant to consider so.

    There are of course really good years for me in history, but that might need to be another thread, and probably would result in a bun fight!

    Do you have a favourite year?

  • That's so cool. What's your fave year you lived through?

    Thanks I think having my little sis made me more mature so I can be there for her as she's got downs.

  • I don't know how old everyone else is but I'm 16

    You are the same age as me if you reverse the numbers.

    You sound very mature for your age.

  • I don't know how old everyone else is but I'm 16

    But at least I finish school in few months yay

    Please let it out if you need to its not good to bottle how you feel up

  • Surely you can't be serious?

    I am serious and don't call me Shirley RoflJoy that man was hilarious. The world is a darker place without him and his humour.

  • I didn't know Leslie Nielson was such a miserable ***.

  • You must be the youngest person on here.

    I came on this thread to be unremittingly bleak.  But i'll spare you.

  • School was a bit lame today


    ill listen to some music tonight maybe watch something and chill out

    Nearly the weekend again after tomorrow