Let off steam in here thread.

Do you get  angry?  I get angry.  A "friend" of mine is making me angry today.  If you get angry then this is  the thread to let off steam.  All those irritating NT's winding you up.  You'd like to bury them in a shallow grave wouldn't you?  *Hold on there is someone at the door*

*Sound of man being dragged away by White Coated individuals*

  • Why, whilst I was sitting in my dentist's chair today in the midst of a torture session, did she believe I also needed the added agony of a radio playing whilst she was also talking to me and expecting answers whilst my mouth was full of the said instruments of torture?

  • I'm sorry to hear about your appointment. They are a lot of stress and rarely pleasant.

    I hope you're feeling better today and over the worst of it.

    I hate the dentists.

    It's everything I hate all in one short appointment.

    It’s a change of scenery, a change of people. Unknown outcome.

    They always feel insanely hot there and the last time I went to one I was very anxious and thought I was going to faint.

    That’s a common issue for me and happens more than it should. I think my constant risk of fainting is why I’m always pale. Lol.

    So I was at the dentist, lying on their uncomfortable chair and she starts poking around my mouth and I’m feeling more and more hot and then she paused, I see her frown and she says, “Could you open your mouth please, you’re biting me”.

    Oops. Lol.

    I’ve never bitten someone before but when she said it I managed to focus on where I was and what I was doing and she was right, I was biting her. Lol.

    This was a good five years ago and I haven’t been back since. Sitting there, thinking hard about good things and trying not to faint I didn’t realise how hard I was biting.

    When I’m anxious and scared I’ll normally clench my teeth. Gives me a sore jaw.

    Like GP’s, we need some autistic trained dentist practices.

    It would mean less stress for all involved and innocent dentists wouldn’t be unintentionally bitten.

    If I ever become a nurse, (my life goal), I’ll try to increase medical professional’s knowledge on our condition.

  • I'm sorry to hear about your appointment. They are a lot of stress and rarely pleasant.

    I hope you're feeling better today and over the worst of it.

    I hate the dentists.

    It's everything I hate all in one short appointment.

    It’s a change of scenery, a change of people. Unknown outcome.

    They always feel insanely hot there and the last time I went to one I was very anxious and thought I was going to faint.

    That’s a common issue for me and happens more than it should. I think my constant risk of fainting is why I’m always pale. Lol.

    So I was at the dentist, lying on their uncomfortable chair and she starts poking around my mouth and I’m feeling more and more hot and then she paused, I see her frown and she says, “Could you open your mouth please, you’re biting me”.

    Oops. Lol.

    I’ve never bitten someone before but when she said it I managed to focus on where I was and what I was doing and she was right, I was biting her. Lol.

    This was a good five years ago and I haven’t been back since. Sitting there, thinking hard about good things and trying not to faint I didn’t realise how hard I was biting.

    When I’m anxious and scared I’ll normally clench my teeth. Gives me a sore jaw.

    Like GP’s, we need some autistic trained dentist practices.

    It would mean less stress for all involved and innocent dentists wouldn’t be unintentionally bitten.

    If I ever become a nurse, (my life goal), I’ll try to increase medical professional’s knowledge on our condition.

  • It would mean less stress for all involved and innocent dentists wouldn’t be unintentionally bitten.

    If I ever become a nurse, (my life goal), I’ll try to increase medical professional’s knowledge on our condition.

    I love that line about dentists being bitten Blush

    Super goal, I hope you achieve it.

    If you do, I'm sure you will be a credit to the profession.

    ps.  I am feeling a lot better thanks.