Let off steam in here thread.

Do you get  angry?  I get angry.  A "friend" of mine is making me angry today.  If you get angry then this is  the thread to let off steam.  All those irritating NT's winding you up.  You'd like to bury them in a shallow grave wouldn't you?  *Hold on there is someone at the door*

*Sound of man being dragged away by White Coated individuals*

  • I currently find myself in a situation of wanting to have a jolly good vent, but almost feeling too mentally drained to do so. Very much a case of thinking, "Please shoot me now!"

    A phone call from my mother, lasting almost an hour has been responsible for me now wanting to let out an exasperated scream. I have mentioned before on the forums that whilst my mother probably uses technological gadgets more frequently than me, she is (in my opinion) the last person on the planet that should use them. If more than a day passes without her experiencing some kind of problem with her laptop, smartphone, and sometimes her TV, it's an absolute flipping miracle.

    One of today's issues was that my mother had signed into her BBC account and noticed that the last time it had been updated was back in 2021. At least I think that is what she had said. My response was to tell my mother that unless she had cause to amend any of her account details (i.e. e-mail address, password, etc), I did not feel this was something she needed to worry about.

    Initially, I had begrudgingly offered to pop over to my mother's house to take a look, but then she started rabbiting on about this, that, and the other... Generally, things that were unrelated, and were of little interest to me. I let her ramble on, although made it clear that my brain felt exhausted. I had probably contributed no more than about 2 minutes of speech to that lengthy telephone conversation. However, when my mother finally started to bring that phone call to an end, she made it sound (not for the first time) as though I had been the one doing most of the talking. Not helping matters was when she asked if I was still intending to pop over to her house, as she felt like we had just been going around in circles. Face palm

  • I am now feeling deeply concerned. After bringing my son up to speed about the lengthy phone call from my mother, she phoned again. As I was in no mood to answer, I decided to let my phone's built-in answering machine deal with the call. Despite the well-spoken voice on the answering machine sounding not in the least bit like my voice, my mother seemed to think I had answered her call. As she was obviously wondering why I wasn't responding to what she was saying, she hung up and phoned again.

    Another message was left that made absolutely no sense to both myself and my son. My mother thought she had worked out what the problem was. Apparently, the 'thingy' on her coffee table had been flashing with a message. I am guessing the 'thingy' had been her mobile phone, and it concerned me that she had clearly forgotten what it was called. My mother then proceeds to talk about her current energy provider(Octopus), which had taken over her former energy provider and caused some issues, and concludes by saying, "This probably explains why things are looking different on the TV now."

    I am seriously struggling to understand what the heck my mother's energy provider has got to do with the appearance of Virgin Media services on her TV. More importantly, why my mother seemed to think the two things were closely linked. Thinking

    Not for the first time, my son and I have been discussing the possibility of the 'D' word (dementia).

  • I'm sorry you're going through this

    Sending you a hug hoping it helps brighten you up xx xx

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