Overthinking - how to deal with it

Hi everyone have recently been diagnosed with autism, throughout my life I have been told I over think to much. Whether its something as simply writing an email, or like someone or worrying about the future or meeting up with people. Or just over thinking lots of things in detail such as my interests.   I was wondering if anyone had any ways to deal with over thinking? 

  • The autistic brain tends toward analysis. Go with it. Nurture it. 

    Before I knew anything about Autism, I would be told this. Until one day I started responding with, NO. You're not thinking enough. Because after spending years diving into philosophy, supported by libraries full of others who not only also indulged in "over-thinking" but their thinking proved useful to the future that lived beyond them, I felt no reason to stop. 

    What can be missing from one's 'toolbox' can be the criteria for harnessing thought so that it becomes worth while. Or a little logic formula to understand how to interrogate thought and work out what riddles we might be trouble shooting. Or what complicated systems we are trying to resolve. 

    I used to be bothered by things I didn't have a term/ID/word for. But I second the 'write it out'. Somewhere your sub-conscious is giving you clues to things of interest, ideas that might be meaningful, potentials you might have untapped. Follow the thoughts. Most likely, you have not engaged with them, exhausted and resolved them.

  • I agree. Writing can be a very good way to organise your thoughts. I find my brain worries less when I've written something down: almost like it thinks - it's ok, I've dealt with that now.

  • I deal with over thinking, by writing it down.  Occasionally I send what I have written BUT BE CAREFUL WITH THAT!  The process of forcing yourself to write cogently about the matter can deliver clarity to my mind.

  • I wish I had a cure for overthinking. It's a bit like how I obsess over the things I find interesting and enjoy, I can't stop myself. I think my brain is the same. It starts overthinking, even on things it really shouldn't, and then it won't stop. It's exhausting. You aren't alone.


  • Like you I am also powerless over my overthinking.   If I fight it it gets stronger so I need to rely on something that’s not my own will power.  You are doing that by looking to other powers such as are available here.  Your searching is the solution in action.

  • I can definitely empathise with that (despite what my empathy test scores say!).  I guess I would try to set a time limit (I will send this email before my next tea break etc.)  then I wouldn't have time to overthink it, not that I take my own advice. You then just need to avoid the temptation to pick apart and criticise what you've done.  I try to tell myself that I made the best decision I could at the time given my knowledge, skills and resources.   

    I'm not good at being spontaneous but it does reduce the time to worry about the meeting up with people if you can do that.  Over-thinking interests is probably very common and only a problem if it stresses you out or interferes with other things you want to do or your responsibilities.

    Not sure if that helps, but I just wanted to say that I feel your pain! A counsellor I once had used to call it catastrophising.

  • Hi Rainbowgirl,

    I find distraction helps. I often choose stimulating situations, as for some reason I feel more peaceful inside when there are lots of things going on around me (I have the ability to tune it all out and the dampening effect works on the noise inside my head too). However, I have also found physical activity to help. I particularly like swimming and cycling, as they can be done alone and I can focus on the mechanics - thereby reducing the intrusive thoughts.

    Good luck in finding what works for you, and welcome to the community Grin

  • I'm afraid that I can't really offer any advice, but just to say that I can be prone to overthinking too. Therefore, I can sympathise.