Mental health team stress

I have a meeting with my mental health team next week. I wanted a telephone appointment but apparently they have to see me, not happy about that at all. In person I lose it real fast and I don't act like the real me. It's to easy to lose control, to let myself freak out. When that happens I can be real cold and aggressive and if I feel threatened which I sometimes do then I may make threats or try to run away. 

I don't know what it is with mental health people but with me there always trying to push me in to a corner and asking questions they know I find hard and painful to answer. They just don't understand asd and make everything worse. I really wish they'd just do the phonecall appointment, they know I'm no good in person.


  • You can overcome your mental stress. I relate, that feeling is so swallowing and it’s like a dark chockhold. But your life is worth living. You would be missed. I hope as well your medication positively affects your life. I have minor tips I’d like to give you:

    • Meditation helps with being present and processing our thoughts

    • Take time to do something even when you’re low sometimes helps, such as taking a walk or exercise ik it’s so typical to hear put those small moments that feel accomplishing or r distract us matter

    • Write down affirmations and something that you’re thankful for each day

    • Reflect on how you’ve grown or moments where you feel joy

    • Lesson to frequency music

    • There’s also apps that are specifically for mental health. They have collection of exercises/activities to do when stressed, music,

  • You can overcome your mental stress. I relate, that feeling is so swallowing and it’s like a dark chockhold. But your life is worth living. You would be missed. I hope as well your medication positively affects your life. I have minor tips I’d like to give you:

    • Meditation helps with being present and processing our thoughts

    • Take time to do something even when you’re low sometimes helps, such as taking a walk or exercise ik it’s so typical to hear put those small moments that feel accomplishing or r distract us matter

    • Write down affirmations and something that you’re thankful for each day

    • Reflect on how you’ve grown or moments where you feel joy

    • Lesson to frequency music

    • There’s also apps that are specifically for mental health. They have collection of exercises/activities to do when stressed, music,

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