Hello, I'm Anni!

Hello everybody,

I'm hoping to meet some new friends here and draw on your experiences. I have an 11 year old son who received his diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome when he was 8. We have been managing him fairly well up until September, but now he has started high school and it's a whole new ball game. He has been getting into trouble about once a week for the last couple of months, and this is leading to him being kept in inclusion away from the rest of the class. We haven't been able to access any Psychological help for him, although we have tried. Some of his behaviour has led to him getting physical with other children and he always comes off worst.

Does anybody have any tips on helping him to manage his anger outbursts? They mainly occur when he is provoked, which is extremely easy to do.

I look forward to getting to know you all!


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