Hello from Forest

Hi all

I am here to get more information on Autism and more specifically Aspergers.

All my life I have felt that something is not right with me, many people have told me this and I am unable to disagree with this statement. Although I am capable of understanding advanced computational priniciples and being refered to as a natural problem solver, I can't seem to understand people, or solve the problems that I have with human interaction. It has been suggested by one of my previous therapists that I may be on the ASD spectrum, something that I dismissed at the time due to misunderstandings about ASD, but having had it suggested again by another therapist am forced to consider it as a possibility.

I will leave my introduction at that and take the remainder of what I have to say to the appropriate section of the forum.

Thanks for taking the time to read my introduction.


  • Well, computers are predictable while people are often not, which is why people who tend to think logically prefer 'things' to people. 2+2 will always be equal to 4 but people can vary from one moment to the next because they are very complex and some people aren't able to cope with that because they are not designed to.

    Most people have an inbuilt ability to 'read' other people to a greater or lesser extent because it is something in their genetic and environmental 'programming' but people on the spectrum lack this ability. However, it is possible to learn, intellectually, how to read people to some extent, although this isn't easy. It just requires practice and a willingness to learn.

  • Well, computers are predictable while people are often not, which is why people who tend to think logically prefer 'things' to people. 2+2 will always be equal to 4 but people can vary from one moment to the next because they are very complex and some people aren't able to cope with that because they are not designed to.

    Most people have an inbuilt ability to 'read' other people to a greater or lesser extent because it is something in their genetic and environmental 'programming' but people on the spectrum lack this ability. However, it is possible to learn, intellectually, how to read people to some extent, although this isn't easy. It just requires practice and a willingness to learn.

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