Awaiting an ASD assessment


My son is on the waiting list for an ASD assessment which came to light after some development reviews. we first went to seek help as my son wasn't self feeding, walked late at two and didnt talk until he was two and if it wasnt for the local childrens centre I am not sure we would be where we are now.

The word autism was last said to me last summer and fast forward a year and at the development assessment and they officially said they want him to be assessed. It wasa big step for my husband to attend the last development review but I needed him to hear what the paediatrician was going to say...Its an acceptance thing I suppose that things are different or quirky but my darling son is still my darling son.

I have had highs and lows and waves of emotion.

We did attend a meeting last week to sign up for the early birds and we are trying to stay positive but all i want to do is cry really. 

Are other parents starting this journey? 


  • Hi, we are waiting for an assessment on our 4yr old son, the gp and his school have both made a referal but i'm told the waiting list is 6mths.

    For the last yr-18mths his behaviour has been unusual and i have been passing it off as a 'phase' that he's going through but the phase doesn't seem to be ending, if anything it's getting worse.

    He has been biting at school, we got him a chew toy and this has now stopped, he kicks and hits the other children and gets right intheir faces and shouts/screams. I have a meeting on Wednesday with his teacher and the SENCO which i am a little nervous about!

    When he's at home he's constantly not listening and generally doing the opposite of what he is asked, he punches me, spits in my face, purposefully hurts people, screams/shouts, throws things, dramas getting him to sleep at bedtime and he wakes from 4am,  one minute he's tell me he hates me and the next he's sobbing. He gets so angry, doesn't seem to be able to regulate his emotions. He also rocks and bites himself and makes random noises.

    He is hard work at the moment, tiring and I hope that we get some answers soon and support on how to deal with him.

    I don't want him to have a label but I think that there it will help him to get the support he needs and for people to understnad him.

    I think it is going to be a long journey but I hope it is a productive one.

  • Hi, we are waiting for an assessment on our 4yr old son, the gp and his school have both made a referal but i'm told the waiting list is 6mths.

    For the last yr-18mths his behaviour has been unusual and i have been passing it off as a 'phase' that he's going through but the phase doesn't seem to be ending, if anything it's getting worse.

    He has been biting at school, we got him a chew toy and this has now stopped, he kicks and hits the other children and gets right intheir faces and shouts/screams. I have a meeting on Wednesday with his teacher and the SENCO which i am a little nervous about!

    When he's at home he's constantly not listening and generally doing the opposite of what he is asked, he punches me, spits in my face, purposefully hurts people, screams/shouts, throws things, dramas getting him to sleep at bedtime and he wakes from 4am,  one minute he's tell me he hates me and the next he's sobbing. He gets so angry, doesn't seem to be able to regulate his emotions. He also rocks and bites himself and makes random noises.

    He is hard work at the moment, tiring and I hope that we get some answers soon and support on how to deal with him.

    I don't want him to have a label but I think that there it will help him to get the support he needs and for people to understnad him.

    I think it is going to be a long journey but I hope it is a productive one.

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