Looking for some help?


I am a student journalist at Nottingham Trent University. For my final year dissertation, I am doing a study and feature on autism and whether mainstream education caters for people on the spectrum.

I have two cousins with forms of autism so the subject is very close to my heart and something I feel does not get the coverage and exposure it should. 

While I know there are many successful autism-only schools up and down the country, I am also aware of instances where mainstream schools have been unable to provide the children with the education they require.

Just wondering whether anybody on here has any stories of where their children have struggled at a regular school and why it was the case. Are teachers trained to deal with people on the spectrum or is it more the child struggles?

It would be of great help to me, if anybody that had suffered seriously with this subject in mind would chat with me briefly about their experience with mainstream education, or even on a lighter note a success story r.e. an autism-only school.

I look forward to speaking to some of you.


Matt Ball

  • As a graduate who had to complete a dissertation may I just point out that unless you are only asking yes/no questions you will have to use quotes from your 'sources' in order to get a decent mark.

    Ergo you're already providing misleading information to people on this forum.

    You mean well, but more often than not the ends do not justify the means. Please don't get offended, but the way you are coming across is rather forceful with little consideration to the members of this particular forum, who (whether we like it or not) are vulnerable.

    You are also dismissive of a perfectly valid response, further adding toe impression you are not an impartial researcher and worse someone willing to dismiss the views of someone on the spectrum because they have called you out on perfectly valid concerns for this community.

    Please do some research on how important routine, structure and adherence to rules is for those of us with ASD and reconsider your attitude. You are a guest, do not presume to know the territory better than the natives.

    Apologies for any spelling mistakes as I'm trying to use my phone to respond.

  • As a graduate who had to complete a dissertation may I just point out that unless you are only asking yes/no questions you will have to use quotes from your 'sources' in order to get a decent mark.

    Ergo you're already providing misleading information to people on this forum.

    You mean well, but more often than not the ends do not justify the means. Please don't get offended, but the way you are coming across is rather forceful with little consideration to the members of this particular forum, who (whether we like it or not) are vulnerable.

    You are also dismissive of a perfectly valid response, further adding toe impression you are not an impartial researcher and worse someone willing to dismiss the views of someone on the spectrum because they have called you out on perfectly valid concerns for this community.

    Please do some research on how important routine, structure and adherence to rules is for those of us with ASD and reconsider your attitude. You are a guest, do not presume to know the territory better than the natives.

    Apologies for any spelling mistakes as I'm trying to use my phone to respond.

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