
I managed to go out tonight with my sister, I find it very hard to mix with people, but I did it. I went to a WI meeting where we played cards, it was a great evening, even though I suffered sensory over load I still had a good time, I wish I could go out more but don't like going to new places by myself. How can I overcome this? and how to cope with meeting new people? I really struggle to keep friends and so get lonely.

  • That’s absolutely great! I think you’re already on the completely right path. Put yourself out there, maybe on a set day depending on your energy levels (maybe once a week, maybe once a month?). Scheduling days to go out might help you with preparing for it. Also try to accommodate yourself. If you’re overstimulated; wear headphones, put on sunglasses, don’t suppress stims; whatever helps you.

    I’m no expert and haven’t really figured out for myself yet but maintaining friends with shared interests and similar communication style is the easiest kind of friendship. Preparing and wearing noise cancelling or at least sound filtering headphones helps me. What are your biggest struggles while being out? And how could you or others help with that?

  • That’s absolutely great! I think you’re already on the completely right path. Put yourself out there, maybe on a set day depending on your energy levels (maybe once a week, maybe once a month?). Scheduling days to go out might help you with preparing for it. Also try to accommodate yourself. If you’re overstimulated; wear headphones, put on sunglasses, don’t suppress stims; whatever helps you.

    I’m no expert and haven’t really figured out for myself yet but maintaining friends with shared interests and similar communication style is the easiest kind of friendship. Preparing and wearing noise cancelling or at least sound filtering headphones helps me. What are your biggest struggles while being out? And how could you or others help with that?

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