Introducing Myself

Hello, everyone!

My name is Tom and I live in Washington, USA. I hold a B.S. degree in Chemistry from the University of Washington and, throughout my career, I owned and operated a custom-design fine jewelry business specializing in rare and exotic gems.

My interests include composing and recording songs, writing short stories, flash fiction, and poetry, as well as hiking, nature photography, and panning for gold.  I also like to read books dealing with historical subjects, both non-fiction and fiction.

On a more personal note, I'm married and self-identify as Autistic. At this stage in my life, I see little value in going through the hassle and potential expense of seeking a formal diagnosis.

Since I tend to be quite verbose, I’ll pause here and say that I look forward to reading your posts in the forums.

  • Hi and welcome to the community! I’m also married and not officially diagnosed. I love aliens, I have one on my profile picture, the others visit me in my dreams, so I can’t take photos of them. I work in logistics and I enjoy it. I hope you enjoy being here. 

  • Hi Alienatedhuman!

    Thanks for the welcome.  I'm glad to hear that you get along with aliens.  For some reason, pictures of them give me the creeps.  But that's just me, I guess.  I'm also happy to hear that you enjoy your work.

    So far, I'm liking it here just fine.

  • Hi Alienatedhuman!

    Thanks for the welcome.  I'm glad to hear that you get along with aliens.  For some reason, pictures of them give me the creeps.  But that's just me, I guess.  I'm also happy to hear that you enjoy your work.

    So far, I'm liking it here just fine.

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