Newbie here advice

Hi there , daughter is nearly 17 and missed a lot of education as school failed her , so been at home long time and got diagnosed with autism last year, I’m her carer and it’s just me and her no family , I’m on benefits and she gets pip but now they want to stop £330 month because she can’t go to college because of her mental health as she don’t leave the house , I seriously feel like we are being punished because of her autism and mental health , as we all know the benefit system is crap and living today in this country is so exspensive , is this right ? 

  • Wanting to stop the payments because she can't attend college does sound strange. When I was her age, the situation was that I could only attend college part time, as being able to handle a full time workload would disqualify me from my award. But, you can appeal decisions, and that will lead to you getting outside judges that will sit in a room with you and your daughter as you discuss her case. That's what happened with me when they tried to end my benefits. A year later, in the appeal court, the doctors told them that not only did I qualify for PIP, I should have been given a higher rate than they awarded me. The backdated money was then given to me at this new rate, so pretty happy days after having to live very frugal for a while.

  • Wanting to stop the payments because she can't attend college does sound strange. When I was her age, the situation was that I could only attend college part time, as being able to handle a full time workload would disqualify me from my award. But, you can appeal decisions, and that will lead to you getting outside judges that will sit in a room with you and your daughter as you discuss her case. That's what happened with me when they tried to end my benefits. A year later, in the appeal court, the doctors told them that not only did I qualify for PIP, I should have been given a higher rate than they awarded me. The backdated money was then given to me at this new rate, so pretty happy days after having to live very frugal for a while.
