Daughter has just been diagnosed

Just that really! My 13 year old has jus received a diagnose of ASD today. 

Not really sure where to go from there so found myself here saying hi!!!

  • Hi Lisa and welcome to the community!

    You and your daughter might find the resources here helpful:

    NAS - After diagnosis - which includes, for example, "How will I feel after receiving an autism diagnosis"

    NAS - Education

    There may also be some recommendations in the report for your GP and/or others to follow up on. 

  • Hi Lisa and welcome to the community!

    You and your daughter might find the resources here helpful:

    NAS - After diagnosis - which includes, for example, "How will I feel after receiving an autism diagnosis"

    NAS - Education

    There may also be some recommendations in the report for your GP and/or others to follow up on. 

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