Intro 2: The Light Version

I already posted an intro thing but it was more complaining and asking for advice. I am interested in meeting people with similar interests so I thought I would post another intro that includes those things.

I'm not used to talking about myself but here we go!

I just diagnosed myself with autism a few days ago at the age of 35. I also strongly believe I have social anxiety disorder. 

I have a lovely neurotypical wife but no real social connections other than that. I just haven't found anyone who can relate to these issues, and now that I know I'm autistic, I wonder if I can meet other autistic people who understand me.

My biggest struggle is my energy levels. I always feel tired or burnt out. Definitely worse after social interactions but it's constant!

The most interesting thing about me is likely that I'm a retired nomad. This is apparently very related to autism. I discovered I wouldn't be able to stand the pressures of school and work forever and I needed to devise a way out. I eventually decided to put hours of my time every day into learning about investing as it pertains to retirement. I eventually became somewhat of an expert at this niche and retired at 32. After retiring, my wife and I left with just backpacks to travel permanently. We have been to many countries, we have experienced a lot.

Interests (special?)

  • Finance and retirement research
  • Making spreadsheets 
  • Travel (Experiencing unique cultures, architecture, food)
  • Nature (Hiking in the forest and mountains)
  • Renaissance/Baroque music (Bach, Gibbons, Lassus, etc)
  • Musical composition (Loving AI music generation right now! Here are some of my creations: )
  • Calisthenics/fitness/nutrition
  • The future of tech (AI, robotics, etc)
  • Anything scientific (learning about the nature of reality)
  • Philosophy (Applying logic and reason to everything)
  • Analyzing everything including social encounters and how normal people interact as if they're a different species :P
  • RPG games (DQ, FF, BOF)

  • Welcome, Mate.

    I also feel like escaping, somehow.

    AI fills me with dread, to be honest. It's preprogrammed to produce a specific outcome. It removes free-will from our processing.

    I can do spreadsheets, though was caught out in a practical exercise, for a job interview, back in 2017; the function I required to perform the task was sumif. I didn't get that far with spreadsheets. It was for an Academy role, that the NI Department for the Economy used to promote.

  • Welcome, Mate.

    I also feel like escaping, somehow.

    AI fills me with dread, to be honest. It's preprogrammed to produce a specific outcome. It removes free-will from our processing.

    I can do spreadsheets, though was caught out in a practical exercise, for a job interview, back in 2017; the function I required to perform the task was sumif. I didn't get that far with spreadsheets. It was for an Academy role, that the NI Department for the Economy used to promote.

  • Thank you for sharing!

    It's interesting you mention free will alongside AI. I respectfully disagree on both points.

    1. That AI is pre programmed to produce a specific outcome. I think general purpose AI is essentially a brain like yours or mine and the goal is for it to function as such without doing too much harm. This isn't so different for our brains where we have hardwired inclinations from evolution to do things like eat and not die but there is a lot of variability within that.

    2. I think free will is a myth and everything is pre-determimed. I used to believe there was an exception in quantum physics but it turns out that that's probably an unfounded assumption as well.

    Sorry if I'm being too autistic by focusing too much on my facts and not on your friendly post. I'm learning :).

    Ah you can do spreadsheets, that's great Smiley . Do you love them?