For the oldies - Ladybird's books

I went to St Albans museum today with my parent-in-laws.

They had a small exhibition of Ladybird book art work.

It was a real trip down memory lane, with pictures that I have not seen since Primary school in the 70s.

  • Thanks so much for sharing those - recognised some old friends there alright. Such captivating little worlds in each, and I can still vividly recall the unique way they felt and smelled. Some of the covers that have most stayed with me are the ones with a slight sense of scary discomfort on the front (hauntology vibes, with hindsight) - like that 'magic porridge pot' lady's look of abject horror at the unfolding calamity's moment of genesis. 

  • Thanks so much for sharing those - recognised some old friends there alright. Such captivating little worlds in each, and I can still vividly recall the unique way they felt and smelled. Some of the covers that have most stayed with me are the ones with a slight sense of scary discomfort on the front (hauntology vibes, with hindsight) - like that 'magic porridge pot' lady's look of abject horror at the unfolding calamity's moment of genesis. 

  • Yes! My wife and I were discussing that too, at the time. (Porridge Pot). Both of us also had the same memory of the Princess and the Pea book. She's several years younger than me, but we had a few overlaps like these.

  • A pleasing little synchronicity - for the first time in ages I saw a ladybird yesterday. I was sitting in a park and it had somehow alighted upon my lap. So I let it wander about a bit before safely getting it back to the grass. 'Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home...' ... and I won't say the rest as I hope its fam were all OK.