I’m new here … thoughts appreciated…

I’m a 60 year old man, and have only become aware of my autism over the last 3 or 4 years, after forming a relationship with a very social, extrovert and neurotypical partner.

Even with her best efforts, we don’t always understand each other, which makes for relationship conflicts, or need for time apart….

Thoughts and experiences welcome from both perspectives?!

  • With all relationships it's about understanding and compromise. Conflict can arise but resolution usually can be found if you work at it. 

    Are you happy together in spite of your differences or do the cause strife. 

    Sometimes for myself I feel that I need time to recharge after a social engagement.

    Good luck for the future 

  • With all relationships it's about understanding and compromise. Conflict can arise but resolution usually can be found if you work at it. 

    Are you happy together in spite of your differences or do the cause strife. 

    Sometimes for myself I feel that I need time to recharge after a social engagement.

    Good luck for the future 

  • Thanks for your words, and yes we’re happy together for the future although we still need to keep working on mutual understanding and have our occasional disagreements… about nothing significant when we reflect, just can irk each other sometimes and need a little space!