Any advice out there for someone who has been dating a lovely guy with ASD for past few months?

Hi everyone Blush My name is Sarah. I'm new here. I've been dating a lovely guy with ASD. It's only been a few months so far and I'm still in the learning process. He is warm and affectionate when we are together and likes to initiate physical contact. He has no issues with intimacy either. However he often goes quiet when we are not together and maintaining contact with him can be a little difficult. I have no obvious reason to believe that he doesn't like me as he is affectionate and seems happy when he is with me. He also seems to be very upfront and honest and his thoughts and opinions regardless of whether others may disagree. He likes to crack jokes and try to make me laugh a lot. He has told me on a few occasions that he "misses my presence" when we haven't been able to see each other for a little while. He's also talked about a "cutesy feeling inside" whenever we're together and has said he would be really upset if things ever did end between us for whatever reason. He seems to have great knowledge and understanding of ASD and has done a lot of research himself over the years. He says he wants to continue to take things slow in order to allow feelings and emotions to develop further. I guess I'm wondering if anyone has any insight or advice that could help me with navigating through the dating process with him as I am a little confused about it all at the moment? 

  • Some people are just really bad at long distance contact. The text, the email, it just doesn't work for everyone. Phonecalls can be tricky unless you schedual them in. It may not be too romantic but maybe schedualling in some time on the phone or even face to face is a good idea.

  • Some people are just really bad at long distance contact. The text, the email, it just doesn't work for everyone. Phonecalls can be tricky unless you schedual them in. It may not be too romantic but maybe schedualling in some time on the phone or even face to face is a good idea.

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