
I am doing this the wrong way round. I jumped straight in to posting and replying that I forgot to introduce myself.

I am a male in my fifties who was diagnosed last year and still coming to terms with it. I live and work in Scotland.

I really like to watch documentaries and history based programs on tv. I like to game on my xbox at times as I find it very addictive and it can somewhat take over my life. My life has not been easy up till now and have been manipulated and controlled. Now I have a wonderful partner who fully supports me. I would never have been diagnosed if not for her support. We do not live together as I need my space to decompress.

I have very few friends that I can count on on one finger! I really struggle with normal social chit chat and can appear blunt at times.

Anyway at long last I have joined a community which I can see already is very supportive.

so Hello everyone

  • Welcome aboard!

    I noticed some of your posts, wasn't sure if you'd been around ages or just recently joined in, ive only been on here a few months.

    I'm same but a little younger, just about to hit 50, diagnosed in Feb. Still , as you say, coming to terms with it! It's certainly uprooted my thoughts a lot and have been flipping from positive to negative over it, often feeling down and anxious about it all.

    I think I've looked back at pretty much every interaction in my entire life now and see how autism played a terms of that you said , I think it's common that we can be used and  manipulated , I find mostly this is at work, where I'm way too passive on the outside to avoid "not fitting in" , while boiling with anxiety or anger often on the inside.

    • I read something on quora that sort of explained it, for context it was about how autistic people tend not to treat anyone differently, whether they're nice, bad, evil, etc. because....I'll quote...

    "One thing I have found consistent among the autistics I have spoken to is that they respond to the person the way that they are being in the current moment—they describe not being able to respond in practical way to the past behaviour of people"


  • Welcome aboard!

    I noticed some of your posts, wasn't sure if you'd been around ages or just recently joined in, ive only been on here a few months.

    I'm same but a little younger, just about to hit 50, diagnosed in Feb. Still , as you say, coming to terms with it! It's certainly uprooted my thoughts a lot and have been flipping from positive to negative over it, often feeling down and anxious about it all.

    I think I've looked back at pretty much every interaction in my entire life now and see how autism played a terms of that you said , I think it's common that we can be used and  manipulated , I find mostly this is at work, where I'm way too passive on the outside to avoid "not fitting in" , while boiling with anxiety or anger often on the inside.

    • I read something on quora that sort of explained it, for context it was about how autistic people tend not to treat anyone differently, whether they're nice, bad, evil, etc. because....I'll quote...

    "One thing I have found consistent among the autistics I have spoken to is that they respond to the person the way that they are being in the current moment—they describe not being able to respond in practical way to the past behaviour of people"


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