
How does everyone feel about whispering?

My step daughter has been trying to write a story and finds it helps to quietly/whisper the story as she is writing...
However, I find it makes me incredibly irritable, it is almost painful/uncomfortable to sit in the room whilst she is reading.

  • I have whisper echolalia, but I would also get irritated if someone whispers like that somewhere close to me. In this situation it would be good to not sit in the same room while she is whispering. If that’s possible. 

  • It would irritate me too. How old is she? Is she whispering because she needs to hear the words out loud for them to make sense? If she's a child she'll grow out of it, if she's an adult or near adult, then talk to her, ask her if she can read her story to you and then you can discuss it, it might be less disruptive for all of you.

  • In my case it’s me having whisper echolalia from my own thoughts or words from some conversation I hear. Funny thing I merely notice that I do it, so my own whispering does not irritate me, but someone else’s- would do. But there is no one in my household who would do it beside me. 

  • In my case it’s me having whisper echolalia from my own thoughts or words from some conversation I hear. Funny thing I merely notice that I do it, so my own whispering does not irritate me, but someone else’s- would do. But there is no one in my household who would do it beside me. 

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