Looking forward to connecting with the Community

Hello everyone.

Over recent months, I have been working hard to remind myself; what I (the very young "Me"), used to be like / things I naturally enjoyed ...before many decades of "Masking" became an entrenched life strategy.  My challenge; (to myself), is to educate myself and then reapply that discovery in a way more applicable to the current "Me" - an older Adult Woman (only recently identified as Autistic).  My intention is to enable me to: rediscover and learn to share my true voice / values, revisit / extend some passions and interests, deploy new (healthier) strategies - which might better help me navigate society / the workplace / healthcare (while also encouraging respect of my Autistic identify and learning to articulate the need for some associated sensible accommodations).  In time, I also want to better celebrate my own sense-of-self and that of other neurodiverse people.  (I realise that there is really a lot for me to learn and assimilate - ...quite a bit of problem-solving for me to achieve too - and yet I feel that should all be a worthwhile endeavour).  I hope to connect with many of you along my journey.  Perhaps we may share some enthusiasm for various things along the way.


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