
Hello I'm Juice Queen. I'm an eccentric aspie woman passionate about Lego, writing and being immersed in nature.

I suffer from horrible anxiety, I've been trying and failing to help myself be less anxious. I was on antianxiety medication before but have since stopped as it made me worse in a lot of ways. I've been trying meditation but that's not helped me much either.

This Christmas my family has family coming over so from December 22nd to 26th it's going to be a lot of change which I'm already dreading because this happens every single year and it's always noisy and makes me anxious. I can stay in my room of an evening but during the day is family time, so I'm told, and I have to stay downstairs and mix with family.

Uggggh! Why can't Christmas just go away SobSobSob 

  • I mainly write... uh... things. Stuff that I'm into, primarily; mainly Tom Clancy-pastiches. And yes, I've been playing a lot of games, especially Deus Ex and SIGNALIS.

  • Hello Juice Queen, nice to meet you.

    You might like this channel. https://www.youtube.com/@masterbuilderalec . The anti-anxiety medication probably didn't work because it wasn't solving the issue of you being autistic. I am not a doctor though. It feels like it was trying to cure a symptom rather then the underlying issue. How long have you been trying meditation because I am pretty sure the benefits of it aren't instant they come gradually, you have got to do it for a while before it works but it does work. At least that is what I have read. You might have been failing dealing with anxiety because it wasn't coming from a place of understanding autism it was coming from a neurotypical anxiety perspective. I don't really know there.

  • Indeed. Especially with cheese! 

  • I'm just happy to embrace the love of spuds. Together we are stronger! Potato

  • Easy, you are me after smoking a few joints haha 

  • Excellent username, although I'm confused whether you are me or I am you.

  • Oof, I don't think I could list them all. I love all foods so much!

    I guess at the top of my list of beloved Christmas foods is a nice roast with homemade mash potatoes and corn on the cob. Also I tend to associate nice cheeses and charcuterie with Christmas, so I'd also add good French saucisson and Spanish chorizo iberico to the top of the list. As for sweets... I do love all the different panettone and pandoro one can buy this time of year. Never been a fan of the mince pies or Christmas puddings though. 

  • How lovely! I haven't been there but weirdly I am actually from Wales lol I just don't travel that much I guess. Sweat smile Wales is a beautiful country, the centres like Cardiff and Newport are very busy this time of year but the out of the way areas in the countryside are lovely.

    I'm glad you and your mum are prepared and having a low key Christmas. God I wish I could be at yours lol! I enjoy spending Christmas with my family but they always invite the rest of the extended family, which in total is nearly 20 people! Ugh. Dreading this already! 

    I'm glad you've found it helpful here. I'm hoping I'll find the same.

  • Thank you for the book recommendation. I own a few Lego books, I've got a minifigure encyclopedia, came with a little soldier minifigure - (result!).

    I'm glad you got the bits you needed in Manchester. Must have been heaving in there, this time of year. But well done for going! Relaxed

  • What's your favourite Christmas food?

  • Hehe good shout on the Christmas food. I'm not a big eater, I suffer from anorexia but sometimes I'll have a sweet maybe on Christmas Eve. Growing up I used to like the Bounty in the Celebrations.

  • Hello, thank you. Relaxed️ 

    Yes exactly that's it - (disturbance of routine) - Christmas is one big change of routine, not only in the house but outside as well. The whole country changes and it's constant across December. I think that's why it's such a challenge to get through, because there's little to no escape from it all.

    I hope you'll have a good Christmas and not be too triggered.

  • I got that feeling when I was deciding whether to join or not. I'm glad I joined, hopefully it'll be a positive experience in the end.

  • Welcome! I too love being in nature and recently got back from a trip to Snowdonia in Wales. I'd recommend it as there are so many beautiful natural spaces there and the quiet is so soulful.

    I can relate to wanting Christmas to go away! I'm lucky that myself and mum have agreed to have a low key Christmas this year, not even much decorations just the tree! I enjoy spending time with family but adding in all the "Christmas stuff" just makes it really difficult.

    I hope you enjoy your time on this forum, I know it's helped me many a time. 

  • Heya! Instant book recommendation for you in Adrift: The Curious Tale of the Lego Lost at Sea. It's a true story, if you don't know it definitely worth a read. 

    And yeah, anxiety sucks.

    I forced myself into Manchester today to do a bit of Christmas shopping but the train was heaving. Didn't enjoy that. But it was worth it, I got the things I was after.

  • Don't worry, venting is healthy and, from my limited experience here so far, everyone here is friendly and supportive.

  • Hello and welcome. I'm new too. I find one of the best ways to deal with Christmas anxiety is to think about all the yummy food that one gets to eat around this time... although I guess that only works if you love food like slightly chubby moggy like me haha 

  • Hi there, 

    Welcomed to the community forum.

    I'm 40 years old.

    Enjoy reading, photography, lego, puzzle books and colouring books. Also listen to bbc sound app and music. 

    Christmas struggle as my routine will be disturb Pensive hopefully find some programmes to watch/listen to. Usually get a phone call from a relative who still doesn't understand I go to a community group. 
