
Hello I'm Juice Queen. I'm an eccentric aspie woman passionate about Lego, writing and being immersed in nature.

I suffer from horrible anxiety, I've been trying and failing to help myself be less anxious. I was on antianxiety medication before but have since stopped as it made me worse in a lot of ways. I've been trying meditation but that's not helped me much either.

This Christmas my family has family coming over so from December 22nd to 26th it's going to be a lot of change which I'm already dreading because this happens every single year and it's always noisy and makes me anxious. I can stay in my room of an evening but during the day is family time, so I'm told, and I have to stay downstairs and mix with family.

Uggggh! Why can't Christmas just go away SobSobSob 

  • Hello Juice Queen, nice to meet you.

    You might like this channel. https://www.youtube.com/@masterbuilderalec . The anti-anxiety medication probably didn't work because it wasn't solving the issue of you being autistic. I am not a doctor though. It feels like it was trying to cure a symptom rather then the underlying issue. How long have you been trying meditation because I am pretty sure the benefits of it aren't instant they come gradually, you have got to do it for a while before it works but it does work. At least that is what I have read. You might have been failing dealing with anxiety because it wasn't coming from a place of understanding autism it was coming from a neurotypical anxiety perspective. I don't really know there.

  • Hello Juice Queen, nice to meet you.

    You might like this channel. https://www.youtube.com/@masterbuilderalec . The anti-anxiety medication probably didn't work because it wasn't solving the issue of you being autistic. I am not a doctor though. It feels like it was trying to cure a symptom rather then the underlying issue. How long have you been trying meditation because I am pretty sure the benefits of it aren't instant they come gradually, you have got to do it for a while before it works but it does work. At least that is what I have read. You might have been failing dealing with anxiety because it wasn't coming from a place of understanding autism it was coming from a neurotypical anxiety perspective. I don't really know there.

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