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i feel normal, but am i really?

- m15, gcses this year, grades are questionable in some, decent in others + I barely revise (severe lack in diligence)

- no problems with sounds or anything. i'll only have a meltdown if you get my mother to berate me for half an hour because that is genuinely overwhelming

- communication feels fine, although my mouth feels slow sometimes and i probably sound dumb (how do i fix this)

- had an autism diagnosis when i was younger + earlier life was a mess and i've pretty much forgotten it. feel "less autistic" as i age but that's probably an illusion

- for some reason just wouldn't write large pieces and consequently can not write anything (more than a couple of sentences; i overthink) for my gcse english (lang && lit).

- socially, i have some basis of how to act but still end up feeling like something was done wrong.

- any clarification required?

- i've also probably forgotten something important

- i don't think i have adhd (don't fit dsm criteria), or maybe just it isn't that conspicuous.

- essentially, i don't know how to feel.

 - please don't tell me to cope with this, unless i'm just being this point, i crave change towards """""normality""""" and acceptance.

  • What happened to the OP?

    Anyway OP if you see this - yes you are normal. This is normal for you. There's no such thing as "normal" we're all different and I think it's awesome.

    Take care and don't judge yourself too much.

  • What happened to the OP?

    Anyway OP if you see this - yes you are normal. This is normal for you. There's no such thing as "normal" we're all different and I think it's awesome.

    Take care and don't judge yourself too much.
