
Hi everyone I'm new to the community. 

After suffering for decades with my mental health, last week a peer support worker, who is Autistic herself said that she could see Autistic traits in me. Somehow this didn't come to me as a complete surprise. Although I did feel a little unsettled, and i had lots of heavy thoughts and emotions floating around in my head for a couple of days. This week a senior mental health practitioner came to see me. And I took an a10 test, because of the result, I am now being referred for an assessment. What a revelation this is for me. As I've started to look at solid information, I've found it's like reading a book about myself. I finally understand so much. 

My question is... is it normal to go on a spending spree to buy all the things that I feel will help me ? I know that my anxiety is up.  Although I feel so liberated, my anxiety to leave my home since this awakening has increased dramatically. 

  • Hello and welcome.

    In answer to your question, I can only speak for myself, and I did not buy anything following my realisation of autism.  It turned out that, anything that helps, I already had.....I just hadn't realised that I had those things to sooth my autistic self.

    Funny old world.

    I hope to bump into you again on the pages soon.

    Kind regards


  • Blush Thank you for your reply. 

    I did have some things. I think the revelation has allowed me to give myself permission to go that extra step, and embrace the things I know that will help me further. Leaving some of the  shame I felt behind. I've given myself such a hard time for years.

  • Blush Thank you for your reply. 

    I did have some things. I think the revelation has allowed me to give myself permission to go that extra step, and embrace the things I know that will help me further. Leaving some of the  shame I felt behind. I've given myself such a hard time for years.
