
Hi there. I'm Cave Troll. 

I'm an autistic man in my twenties, approaching my late twenties which is a scary thought to even comprehend! I was diagnosed when I was 13 and since then it feels an entire lifetime has gone by, a lot has happened, but at the same time it feels as if nothing has happened if that makes sense.

My interests and hobbies are music, classic cars, gaming, Lego, reading and writing.

I'm currently working as a student volunteer with a preschool, hoping to be properly employed early next year, once I've done some courses and then I'll officially have a job. My Dad is very proud of me as I haven't worked before.

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.

Take care.

Cave Troll.

  • Ey up! Sounds like we've got a fair bit in common. What books and games do you like? I've got a Switch and I'm on Steam a lot, a big fan of indie games. And I'm addicted to F-Zero 99 as well at the mo!

    I just read a book about LEGO where 5 million pieces were lost by a tanker off the coast of Cornwall. All the pieces have been washing ashore ever since. Was a good book!

    Congrats on your work progress, too, hope that goes well.

  • Hey Wave tone1 Yeah I think we do have a lot in common. I have a Switch, it's my go to console. I like how handy it is as well, nice and small so I can take it with me when I'm out. I like RPG and Call of Duty best. I love Minecraft as well.

    Books I like are autobiography and comedy books.

    That's crazy about the Lego! I might try and get that book now, it sounds like my sort of thing! 

    Thanks Thumbsup tone1 I'm loving the working so far, it's tiring but fun work. I just hope I continue to do well.

    Cave Troll.

  • Excellent choice, I love a good RPG! Have you tried Sea of Stars? That one is awesome.

    The book is Adrift: The Curious Tale of the Lego Lost at Sea. It's a good one, the author has social accounts as well so you can just look at her finds she posts in fun artistic fashion. So you can always have a gander at those if you don't want to fork out for the book.

  • Ahh yes you so should. Lego is awesome, you can organise, collect, build... It's an autism paradise. The last set I bought was the Home Alone house. Absolutely amazing detail.

    Cave Troll.

  • No problem! I actually need to take up Lego again. I can see why autistic people love it and I'm trying to feed into my autistic urges a bit more these days. I'll get myself a set.

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