Kind caring male 41 looking to meet others for friendship

Hello I am man on autistic spectrum and like to make some friends I like coffee walks animals. Looking to make male female friends anywhere in Ireland 

  • Hello

    My advice is to remove your photo and put a different one on. 

    The introduction sound like a dating advert and the profile is to have a friend buddy. Be careful with meeting new people in real life.

    When I met my friend for the first time, went to a local cafe which I knew someone and in case something goes wrong. Also before the met up I told two trusted people. 

  • Hello

    My advice is to remove your photo and put a different one on. 

    The introduction sound like a dating advert and the profile is to have a friend buddy. Be careful with meeting new people in real life.

    When I met my friend for the first time, went to a local cafe which I knew someone and in case something goes wrong. Also before the met up I told two trusted people. 

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