Hi, newly diagnosed...

Hi, just thought I would say hello..

I'm newly diagnosed, a mother of three children and although I always thought I was different, it didn't really occur to me I might be autistic until my eldest turned 5 and I started to see similarities between us. My eldest is now on the pathway to be assessed in the next 3 years after fighting so hard for her for the best part of 7 years.

I was diagnosed two weeks ago and it's answered a lot of my questions on my difficulties I've faced over the years and still do and the things I've done in the past that I look back and think "that's not normal". But not really sure with how else it's made me feel. How has everyone else found being diagnosed later on in life? I'm 38 by the way. What positives (and negatives) have you faced since your diagnosis? 

Thanks for reading!

  • Hello, I am new here also Wave

    I am 54 and was diagnosed aged 49, also adhd. As much as I know, realise and understand I am autistic, the imposter in me still tells myself I'm not if that makes sense. I wish I could offer you words of wisdom on how it gets better with age, unfortunately the older you get the more draining I find it all. I look back on how I feel my whole life the times when I should have been understood and helped, I was punished. From teachers, from one boss to the next angry with me for things that I'd struggle with, a lifetime of floor level self esteem. Another challenge I find is people who are ignorant in general, but more so when they absolutely no clue about autism, and this can mean people working within the health profession. There is a support group here in my city, it was invaluable to me in learning and understanding my conditions, other than that though, you are literally told you have it, and that's it get on with it. Here in sertraline city as everyone rushing through life, im looking out and realising that I feel like I've spent my life on a treadmill that I didn't want to be on. I've spent my life going above and beyond trying to cover up or make up for all the mistakes. It's a hard habit to break now, but I am determined to stop masking and not get embarrassed about me just being me. It probably doesn't sound like it in this message but I do try to find humour in most things, that helps. 

  • I was unaware of sertaline until now, my only experience is taking citalopram. My experience is similar to yours, I'm 50 and was diagnosed when I was 48.

  • Ha, I was torn between sertraline and certalapran as most people either on one or the other that I know. You get yourself up to the max dose of one, it's stops having any effect it may have had, so the start you the other one. I climbed my way up to the max dosage on that, so now I'm of off that, and back were I started in the first place, approx 10 years ago.. 

    My son has recently been diagnosed asd, and I can see it clear as daylight in my young grandchildren, which I have raised my concerns about. With a watchful eye, I shall be making sure they're not put on that treadmill and spend a lifetime masking. 

    So being new here, do we share tips on things like...how to make a coffee without boiling the kettle ten times ?Slight smile

  • I was put on mirtazapine, because it’s also supposed to be good for regulating sleep, but so far the main effect I’ve noticed is weight gain - about 8kg so far. I think it’s time I stopped taking them.

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