Hi, newly diagnosed...

Hi, just thought I would say hello..

I'm newly diagnosed, a mother of three children and although I always thought I was different, it didn't really occur to me I might be autistic until my eldest turned 5 and I started to see similarities between us. My eldest is now on the pathway to be assessed in the next 3 years after fighting so hard for her for the best part of 7 years.

I was diagnosed two weeks ago and it's answered a lot of my questions on my difficulties I've faced over the years and still do and the things I've done in the past that I look back and think "that's not normal". But not really sure with how else it's made me feel. How has everyone else found being diagnosed later on in life? I'm 38 by the way. What positives (and negatives) have you faced since your diagnosis? 

Thanks for reading!

  • Hi, and welcome!

    I was diagnosed this year at the age of 52, and my first reaction was grief for the younger me and the life I might have had if I’d received help and support.

    Now I have mixed feelings. I’m still remembering things that happened in the past and understanding and reinterpreting them through the lens of autism.

    There’s some relief from knowing I’m not just a rubbish person, but also sadness that my life is unlikely to get better.

  • Hi, and welcome!

    I was diagnosed this year at the age of 52, and my first reaction was grief for the younger me and the life I might have had if I’d received help and support.

    Now I have mixed feelings. I’m still remembering things that happened in the past and understanding and reinterpreting them through the lens of autism.

    There’s some relief from knowing I’m not just a rubbish person, but also sadness that my life is unlikely to get better.
