Hi everyone, introducing myself :)

Hi I am Ang, 

42 year old woman living in Surrey. I have 3 children, 12/14 & 20. I have a passion for Brazilian JiuJitsu, help my partner run a martial arts gym & work for a Brain Injury charity.  

After a lifetime of struggle I finally received my Autism & ADHD diagnosis this year. I also have RSD, OCD, PTSD, anxiety & depression to name but a few.

Even though I always knew I was different and spent my who life trying to find out why, being diagnosed this year had hit me with a tonne of bricks because its the realisation, grief for young Ang who has struggled so much & masked her way through life thinking she was useless & just an awful person.

Life has been hard & after yet another bad mental breakdown, I am now giving up some of my work to focus on my mental health. And looking to find the right support & hear other peoples journeys & how they have helped themselves!

My psychiatrist has recommend many pathways & therapies etc but my doctor said they don't have the resources so I need to find this all myself!

Looking forward to hearing from you all!

Ang Slight smile

  • Hey Ang and welcome! Also fairly new here myself. Slight smile I also experience RSD, I have CPTSD and a few anxiety disorders. Also late diagnosed and masked my way through the vast majority of my life which saw me misdiagnosed with a personality disorder which, makes me angry as I was heavily medicated for it which I now see was completely unnecessary. 

    Still, it's nice to meet you! Blush

  • Hi The Crow Lady, sounds like you've had a hard time like me without knowing what it is you've had, its like a lifetime of trying to piece together a dodgy jigsaw puzzle & now restarting a new one! Sweat smile

    Nice to meet you to!

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