CoffeeDrinkers Introduction


I am Self diagnosed ASD with other co occurring ailments

I'm studying psychology and mental health including autism

I'm really friendly and sociable and spend most of my time doing stuff on the pc or cooking or making coffee.

I smoke cigarettes and like to drink whiskey as well as have a passion for cooking and gardening.

i do cool things on the computer with the 80/20 brain so I'm always up to something different or forgetting to do something.

i do read books and watch movies on occasion i prefer to listen to music and watch YouTube documentaries or documentaries on other platforms when available 

Parents Reply Children
  • Yes, I'm interested to see if I notice any withdrawal symptoms in any ways.

  • Oh yeah, all sorts have been touted as 'good for you'!

    I've been caffeine free at various times, used to drink a lot, now do half-caff beans, hand grinder, pretty happy with the process of that. 

    Decided I'm sticking with coffee - the balance now seems right, I drank too much before and got withdrawal symptoms if I went without..

  • im trying to clear my blood of substances that alter my natural state to see  how i get on

    Yes, that's exactly what I'm attempting to do. I got the idea the other day to try caffeine free as another example of questioning, looking at and addressing my own behaviour. What am I doing? What am I doing it for? and so on. I'm particularly irritated about 'habits' and how they can be trapping dependent (societal cultural marketing etc pressures and influences and encouragements of what we should need etc) e.g. in the short time I've now not had my usual 2 coffees per day I notice I'm wary, uncomfortable, apprehensive at my usual 'coffee times' (usually when I first get up and then one around 5pm) of how I will be e.g. will I be so tired I'm nearly comatosed. In reality I've found surprisingly so far I'm ok without it i.e. I don't actually 'need it' in reality to be able to function and do things (I'm drinking tap water instead). There's a lot of nonsense goes on (e.g. in advertising, sales and marketing and so on, I saw an advert on TV yesterday saying about 'chilling out' having a coffee whereas in reality coffee is a stimulant so is actually anti-chilling out really imo. I would agree with a statement saying about chilling out potentially drinking a chamomile tea). The world's gone mad, I remember decades ago doctor's used to be in adverts promoting the sales of cigarettes and 'drink Guinness, it's good for you' Upside down 

  • Caffeine is a psycho active drug I'm sure you will notice the difference of having no caffeine in your system after a while, i know some people are enthusiasts for me im trying to clear my blood of substances that alter my natural state to see  how i get on, can i ask if there is a reason why you are going caffeine free?