PIP refusal

Hi I was just wondering how other autistic adults have found the PIP experience? Has anyone been successful in getting PIP? How did you explain your struggles? I got my decision today and they said I don’t qualify. Any help would be appreciated thank you 

Parents Reply Children
  • Only been a member of this community for a couple of days and not yet diagnosed but some of the stuff I read here really strikes a chord with me . I have had an issue with socialising/recognising people for as long as I can remember and I've never known why. I regularly don't recognise or notice people I know when I'm out and about and end up being ostricized as people think I am aloof/doing it intentionally. It has had a massive negative impact on my life.

  • Thank you I will go through it again it took me so long to fill in the form and I thought I had covered things but I can’t of. 

  • The pip application form has a list of questions asking you how your disabilities affect you in different situations.  You need to answer each one giving a relevant example and provide proof.  The big problem is the proof because often it's just your or other people's opinion.  And not hard medical evidence.  For example I have great difficulty recognising faces and telling people apart, a form of face blindness.  It causes great difficulty at work.  But I cannot prove it.

  • Due to being Autistic I have a fear of doctors and I don’t go and so they don’t know how I struggle cos I dont tell them. I have seen an Occupational Therapist so have a sensory assessment so would that be evidence I’m just so confused. 

  • The evidence they want is how your autism and other conditions affect your ability to function in normal life from a practical point of view.