(Repost) Hello, and my issues.

My previous post got hidden or deleted for some reason. I didn't know that would happen, but not my fault. So let me start again (albeit much shorter, as I don't wish to write so much info from my deleted post again. It was hard tiring work and I'm in a hurry for assistance). I am AshleyGamer1995 and I like games and characters, more so if it's Pokemon. I don't personally like people ignoring me, showing no interest in me or hate me for no reason, when I'm simply just talking about the things I like and expect others would respond to me for it. This is just about autism for this site so please understand this from me since you folk must also be autistic and may have the probability of understanding and liking me for this, and to plan on making new friends with me, which I would appreciate having. Thank you.

  • Welcome to here! I hope you find it helpful in some way.

    As someone who plays Pokémon literally every day to calm down during food, it's cool to see another fan. I'm currently on about my 476th playthrough of heart gold.

    I hope you'll receive this in the helpful spirit it was intended, but your bio has like, a lot of personal information that you might want to consider taking out. The internet is a wonderful and terrible place at the same time.

  • Oh sorry! Wonder what I should take out from my bio? :O And that's good to hear you're one of the fans in Pokemon. :)

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