Hello, what next?


I live up north, though originally from down south.  I'm newly diagnosed (yesterday) and just received my report.  The report seems accurate and I'm not surprised or in disagreement with any of it.   The recommendations though just seem to be  a bit generic, I think I was hoping for something more personalised, so I'm wondering what other people did post-diagnosis?

Should I work on non-verbal communication and socio-emotional reciprocity or not?  I know since the pandemic I've struggled to put the mask back on, so I just want to be free of all of that now.....

I also do some poetry/spoken word - here's something I wrote yesterday called 'Diagnosis':

And suddenly I wasn't on the waiting list anymore
And it's not like someone switched the light on and I could see
It's more that someone switched the light off
The one in the back of the room
That had been flickering and buzzing
Annoying and distracting me
Whilst I wondered why no-one else seemed able to see or hear it
Why no-one else was bothered by it
It was gone
And I was free just to be who I am
Just to be me

  • Hi there. I just wanted to echo Shardovan's sentiments about your wonderful poem. Relaxed

    And I was free just to be who I am

    Just to be me

  • This has me very puzzled. Why would you say something so needlessly confrontational to Sparkly when she’s simply being characteristically welcoming and complimentary to make a new person feel at home? What talons? How do they need to be retracted? You’ve been supportive of other people in other threads today, one arguably blunt (if presumably jokey) comment to someone else aside. You’re clearly capable of great empathy, pleasant engagement and seeing things from another’s point of view most of the time so I hope you can see that an apology might not go amiss here. I think you’d feel better for it, I know I would if I’d said that! 

  • This has me very puzzled. Why would you say something so needlessly confrontational to Sparkly when she’s simply being characteristically welcoming and complimentary to make a new person feel at home? What talons? How do they need to be retracted? You’ve been supportive of other people in other threads today, one arguably blunt (if presumably jokey) comment to someone else aside. You’re clearly capable of great empathy, pleasant engagement and seeing things from another’s point of view most of the time so I hope you can see that an apology might not go amiss here. I think you’d feel better for it, I know I would if I’d said that! 
