Can’t find a job.


hate being autistic at timesCry

finding it really hard to get a job I’m 19 I can’t seem to get a jobDisappointed

any advice Blush

  • easy to get by too as everyone in this sector is pretty stupid and youd feel like a big fish in a small pond, youd dominate pretty well as everyone else in warehousing seem pretty silly and lazy and lacking common sense, which makes you stand out more and look perfect and get you a permanent contract.

  • and tbh i never gave warehousing a chance before, as i always had negative thoughts about it, but it actually quite suits me well and theres always things to do and make the time go by fast. and theres lots of agency warehouse work out there. 

  • i never could find a job too, i was unemployed up into my 30s, got a job by a agency right away randomly in a single day as soon as they contacted me start right away, which became permanent and i still have to this day.... my advice is agency is a very good stepping stone into employment, they take you on in the same day as they contact you about any job, and there is no interviews or caring about cvs or anything which is perfect as i couldnt explain my massive decades long job gap if i tried lol

    so basically, agency is your best friend to get a job.

  • I recommend following your special interests to become an expert at something. If you enjoy it, you can get very good at it and your passion will encourage you to try to reach for things.

    For me it was sogn language, which led me into education and now I work woth autistic kids and my employers love me because I can relate to those kids in a way no one else there can. 

  • Apply for everything and take the first thing you're offered. Cleaner, shelf stacker, Mcdonalds is always hiring. Get some experience, show people you can turn up on time and follow instructions and do a good job. Then you can start to build a CV and your next job you can afford to be more fussy. It's always easier to find a job when you're in a job, but initially you're a risk.