Hello and book recommendations


I'm in my 40s, and I'm currently on the waiting list for an adult autism assessment.

I've had a variety of issues all of my life which are highly indicative of autism and having taken a number of online tests I score consistently as someone who is in all likelihood on the autism spectrum.

It certainly makes an awful lot of sense but I'm wary of being categorical about it until I've had a formal diagnosis. Currently in Cornwall where I live there is a 2-year waiting list.

I thought I'd say hello as I understand there are a lot of members on this site in a similar position who are waiting to be assessed.

While waiting for an assessment I thought I'd try and do as much reading as I could.

Can anyone recommend any good books about autism that might be helpful?

Thanks for reading 


  • Hello and welcome!

    Here's 3 that you can look into...

    "An Adult with an Autism Diagnosis: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed" by Gillan Drew

    This is the only one I remember clearly. Was the first book I read around the time of my diagnosis last year at 50yo and I was thrown by how completely opposite to me the author's symptoms were - but in hindsight - how much the symptoms vary and how differently they manifest in different people is an important learning.

    "Asperger Syndrome in Adults: A Guide To Realising Your Potential (Overcoming Common Problems)" by Ruth Searle

    "The Guide to Good Mental Health on the Autism Spectrum" by Yenn Purkis, Emma Goodall, Jane Nugent

    Both of these were more practical than biographical but I remember them both being good first step guides.

    There's also some good video content out there - maybe someone else here can be more helpful with suggestions but this is one I've enjoyed:

    Aucademy - Starting your Autistic discovery journey

    I hope some of that helps - good luck!


  • Thank you, that's really helpful!

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